
De La Torre, A.; Alexander, P.; Schmidt, T.; Llamedo, P.; Hierro, R. "On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings" (2018) Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 11(3):1363-1375
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The significant distortions introduced in the measured atmospheric gravity wavelengths by soundings other than those in vertical and horizontal directions, are discussed as a function of the elevation angle of the sounding path and the gravity wave aspect ratio. Under- or overestimation of real vertical wavelengths during the measurement process depends on the value of these two parameters. The consequences of these distortions on the calculation of the energy and the vertical flux of horizontal momentum are analyzed and discussed in the context of two experimental limb satellite setups: GPS-LEO radio occultations and TIMED/SABER ((Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry/Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere-Energetics and Dynamics)) measurements. Possible discrepancies previously found between the momentum flux calculated from satellite temperature profiles, on site and from model simulations, may to a certain degree be attributed to these distortions. A recalculation of previous momentum flux climatologies based on these considerations seems to be a difficult goal. © Author(s) 2018.


Documento: Artículo
Título:On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings
Autor:De La Torre, A.; Alexander, P.; Schmidt, T.; Llamedo, P.; Hierro, R.
Filiación:LIDTUA, CIC, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Austral and CONICET, Mariano Acosta 1611, Pilar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, B1629ODT, Argentina
IFIBA, CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
GFZ, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Sect. 1.1: GPS/Galileo Earth Obs., Tel. A17, Potsdam, 14473, Germany
Página de inicio:1363
Página de fin:1375
Título revista:Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Título revista abreviado:Atmos. Meas. Tech.


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---------- APA ----------
De La Torre, A., Alexander, P., Schmidt, T., Llamedo, P. & Hierro, R. (2018) . On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 11(3), 1363-1375.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
De La Torre, A., Alexander, P., Schmidt, T., Llamedo, P., Hierro, R. "On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings" . Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11, no. 3 (2018) : 1363-1375.
---------- MLA ----------
De La Torre, A., Alexander, P., Schmidt, T., Llamedo, P., Hierro, R. "On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings" . Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 11, no. 3, 2018, pp. 1363-1375.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
De La Torre, A., Alexander, P., Schmidt, T., Llamedo, P., Hierro, R. On the distortions in calculated GW parameters during slanted atmospheric soundings. Atmos. Meas. Tech. 2018;11(3):1363-1375.