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A new and efficient three-step procedure for the synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-α-D-galactofuranose is described. The key step involves the formation of the galactofuranosyl iodide by treatment of per-O-TBS-D-Galf with TMSI, the selective 6-O-desilylation by an excess of TMSI, and the simultaneous nucleophilic attack of the 6-hydroxy group on the anomeric carbon, with the iodide as a good leaving group. This compound is a good precursor for building blocks for the construction of 1→6 linkages. © 2014 Baldoni and Marino.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Expedient synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-á-D-galactofuranose, a useful intermediate for glycobiological tools
Autor:Baldoni, L.; Marino, C.
Filiación:Departamento de Química Orgánica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:1,6-anhydro-α-D-Galf; Galactofuranosyl iodide; Galactofuranosyl precursor; Per-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-β-D-galactofuranose
Página de inicio:1651
Página de fin:1656
Título revista:Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
Título revista abreviado:Beilstein J. Org. Chem.


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---------- APA ----------
Baldoni, L. & Marino, C. (2014) . Expedient synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-á-D-galactofuranose, a useful intermediate for glycobiological tools. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 10, 1651-1656.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Baldoni, L., Marino, C. "Expedient synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-á-D-galactofuranose, a useful intermediate for glycobiological tools" . Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 10 (2014) : 1651-1656.
---------- MLA ----------
Baldoni, L., Marino, C. "Expedient synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-á-D-galactofuranose, a useful intermediate for glycobiological tools" . Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 10, 2014, pp. 1651-1656.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Baldoni, L., Marino, C. Expedient synthesis of 1,6-anhydro-á-D-galactofuranose, a useful intermediate for glycobiological tools. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2014;10:1651-1656.