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The nature of the neural mechanisms in the birdsong motor pathway that lead to the generation of respiratory patterns are a matter of extensive debate. In a top-down control paradigm, vocal gestures emerge from a unique timescale ruled by the telencephalic nucleus HVC, which engages other brain regions downstream. Another possibility is that the generation of motor instructions is distributed throughout the neural network, owing both upstream and downstream. In this circular architecture, the song results from the integration of more than one timescale. In order to disambiguate these views, we used local focal cooling of HVC in canaries to manipulate the timescale present there. Within the frame of the circular model, we Fitted the experimental pressure patterns of different types of syllables, which form a full song. We show that at least two separate timescales must be taken into account to reproduce them, one which is manipulated by cooling while the other remains unchanged. The modifications |stretching and breaking| of the syllables were quantitatively reproduced in this frame. © 2018, Instituto de Fisica de Liquidos y Sistemas Biologicos. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production
Autor:Dima, G.C.; Goldin, M.A.; Mindlin, G.B.
Filiación:Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires and IFIBA (CONICET), Pabellón 1, Cuidad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Unité de Neurosciences Information et Complexité, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique UPR-3293, 1 Avenue de la Terrasse, Gif-sur-Yvette, 91190, France
Título revista:Papers in Physics
Título revista abreviado:Pap. Phys.


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---------- APA ----------
Dima, G.C., Goldin, M.A. & Mindlin, G.B. (2018) . Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production. Papers in Physics, 10.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Dima, G.C., Goldin, M.A., Mindlin, G.B. "Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production" . Papers in Physics 10 (2018).
---------- MLA ----------
Dima, G.C., Goldin, M.A., Mindlin, G.B. "Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production" . Papers in Physics, vol. 10, 2018.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Dima, G.C., Goldin, M.A., Mindlin, G.B. Modeling temperature manipulations in a circular model of birdsong production. Pap. Phys. 2018;10.