
Goldin, A.P.; Segretin, M.S.; Hermida, M.J.; Paz, L.; Lipina, S.J.; Sigman, M. "Training planning and working memory in third graders" (2013) Mind, Brain, and Education. 7(2):136-146
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Working memory and planning are fundamental cognitive skills supporting fluid reasoning. We show that 2 games that train working memory and planning skills in school-aged children promote transfer to 2 different tasks: an attentional test and a fluid reasoning test. We also show long-term improvement of planning and memory capacities in 8-year-old children after playing adaptive computer games specifically tailored to entrain these cognitive functions. Working memory capacity expanded from 5 to 7 items by using our games. Furthermore, steady progression in the task indicates that this capacity can be trained rapidly. Planning abilities persisted in a nonmarkovian form of play, where a move is highly influenced by previous moves, avoiding back-ups. Here, we introduce a public and growing platform ( developed for this research which has the potential for wide use in educational research. © 2013 International Mind, Brain, and Education Society and Blackwell Publishing, Inc.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Training planning and working memory in third graders
Autor:Goldin, A.P.; Segretin, M.S.; Hermida, M.J.; Paz, L.; Lipina, S.J.; Sigman, M.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Neurociencia Integrativa, Dpto. de Física, FCEyN UBA and IFIBA, CONICET, Argentina
Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada, UNA, CEMIC-CONICET, Argentina
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina
Página de inicio:136
Página de fin:146
Título revista:Mind, Brain, and Education
Título revista abreviado:Mind Brain EDucation


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---------- APA ----------
Goldin, A.P., Segretin, M.S., Hermida, M.J., Paz, L., Lipina, S.J. & Sigman, M. (2013) . Training planning and working memory in third graders. Mind, Brain, and Education, 7(2), 136-146.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Goldin, A.P., Segretin, M.S., Hermida, M.J., Paz, L., Lipina, S.J., Sigman, M. "Training planning and working memory in third graders" . Mind, Brain, and Education 7, no. 2 (2013) : 136-146.
---------- MLA ----------
Goldin, A.P., Segretin, M.S., Hermida, M.J., Paz, L., Lipina, S.J., Sigman, M. "Training planning and working memory in third graders" . Mind, Brain, and Education, vol. 7, no. 2, 2013, pp. 136-146.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Goldin, A.P., Segretin, M.S., Hermida, M.J., Paz, L., Lipina, S.J., Sigman, M. Training planning and working memory in third graders. Mind Brain EDucation. 2013;7(2):136-146.