
Pepe, C.; Pellizza, L.J.; de Grijs R.; de Grijs R.; Lepine J.R.D. "Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters" (2009) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 5(S266):491-494
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Over the last few years, different observations have suggested the existence of intermediate-mass (∼ 103 MȮ) black holes in the centers of globular clusters. However, the issue is still a matter of debate, as current observations have alternative explanations. We previously developed a hydrodynamical model for the interstellar medium in these systems to explain the luminosity of the central X-ray source found in NGC 6388, assuming a black hole accreting from the insterstellar medium. Here, we explore the predictions of our model regarding the flow of the interstellar matter in the inner cluster regions and find that the density and velocity profiles could help to determine the presence of a central black hole as well as its mass. © International Astronomical Union 2010.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters
Autor:Pepe, C.; Pellizza, L.J.; de Grijs R.; de Grijs R.; Lepine J.R.D.
Filiación:Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio, UBA-CONICET, C.C. 67, Suc. 28 (C1428ZAA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Accretion; Accretion disks; ISM: kinematics and dynamics
Página de inicio:491
Página de fin:494
Título revista:Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Int. Astron. Union


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---------- APA ----------
Pepe, C., Pellizza, L.J., de Grijs R., de Grijs R. & Lepine J.R.D. (2009) . Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 5(S266), 491-494.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Pepe, C., Pellizza, L.J., de Grijs R., de Grijs R., Lepine J.R.D. "Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 5, no. S266 (2009) : 491-494.
---------- MLA ----------
Pepe, C., Pellizza, L.J., de Grijs R., de Grijs R., Lepine J.R.D. "Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, vol. 5, no. S266, 2009, pp. 491-494.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Pepe, C., Pellizza, L.J., de Grijs R., de Grijs R., Lepine J.R.D. Intermediate-mass black holes in Galactic globular clusters. Proc. Int. Astron. Union. 2009;5(S266):491-494.