
Díaz, R.F.; Rojo, P.; Melita, M.; Hoyer, S.; Minniti, D.; Mauas, P.J.D.; Ruíz, M.T. "Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b" (2008) Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 4(S253):450-453
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Two consecutive transits of planetary companion OGLE-TR-111b were observed in the I band. Combining these observations with data from the literature, we find that the timing of the transits cannot be explained by a constant period, and that the observed variations cannot be originated by the presence of a satellite. However, a perturbing planet with the mass of the Earth in an exterior orbit could explain the observations if the orbit of OGLE-TR-111b is eccentric. We also show that the eccentricity needed to explain the observations is not ruled out by the radial velocity data found in the literature. © 2009 International Astronomical Union.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b
Autor:Díaz, R.F.; Rojo, P.; Melita, M.; Hoyer, S.; Minniti, D.; Mauas, P.J.D.; Ruíz, M.T.
Filiación:Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio (CONICET-UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Astronomy, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Department of Astronomy, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Casilla 306, Santiago 22, Chile
Specola Vaticana, V-00120 Citta del Vaticano, Italy
Página de inicio:450
Página de fin:453
Título revista:Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Int. Astron. Union


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---------- APA ----------
Díaz, R.F., Rojo, P., Melita, M., Hoyer, S., Minniti, D., Mauas, P.J.D. & Ruíz, M.T. (2008) . Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 4(S253), 450-453.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Díaz, R.F., Rojo, P., Melita, M., Hoyer, S., Minniti, D., Mauas, P.J.D., et al. "Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 4, no. S253 (2008) : 450-453.
---------- MLA ----------
Díaz, R.F., Rojo, P., Melita, M., Hoyer, S., Minniti, D., Mauas, P.J.D., et al. "Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, vol. 4, no. S253, 2008, pp. 450-453.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Díaz, R.F., Rojo, P., Melita, M., Hoyer, S., Minniti, D., Mauas, P.J.D., et al. Period variations in extrasolar transiting planet OGLE-TR-111b. Proc. Int. Astron. Union. 2008;4(S253):450-453.