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Binary black holes as the recently detected sources of gravitational waves can be formed from massive stellar binaries in the field or by dynamical interactions in clusters of high stellar density, if the black holes are the remnants of massive stars that collapsed without natal kicks that would disrupt the binary system or eject the black holes from the cluster before binary black hole formation. Here are summarized and discussed the kinematics in three dimensions of space of five Galactic black hole X-ray binaries. For Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105 it is found that the black holes of ∼15 M⊙ and ∼10 M⊙ in these sources were formed in situ, without energetic kicks. These observations suggest that binary black holes with components of ∼10 M⊙ may have been prolifically produced in the universe. © International Astronomical Union 2017.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Black holes formed by direct collapse: Observational evidences
Autor:Mirabel, I.F.
Filiación:Institute of Astronomy and Space Physics, CONICET - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Av. Cantilo S/N, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Laboratoire AIM-Paris-Saclay, CEA/DSM/Irfu-CNRS, CEA-Saclay, pt courrier 131, Gif-sur-Yvette, 91191, France
Palabras clave:black hole physics; gravitational waves; supernovae: general; X-rays: binaries
Página de inicio:303
Página de fin:306
Título revista:Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Int. Astron. Union


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---------- APA ----------
(2016) . Black holes formed by direct collapse: Observational evidences. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 12(S324), 303-306.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Mirabel, I.F. "Black holes formed by direct collapse: Observational evidences" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 12, no. S324 (2016) : 303-306.
---------- MLA ----------
Mirabel, I.F. "Black holes formed by direct collapse: Observational evidences" . Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, vol. 12, no. S324, 2016, pp. 303-306.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Mirabel, I.F. Black holes formed by direct collapse: Observational evidences. Proc. Int. Astron. Union. 2016;12(S324):303-306.