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We introduce a predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate parameters in a nonlinear hyperbolic problem. It can be used to estimate the oil-fractional flow function from the Buckley-Leverett equation. The forward model is non-linear: the sought- for parameter is a function of the solution of the equation. Traditionally, the estimation of functions requires the selection of a fitting parametric model. The algorithm that we develop does not require a predetermined parameter model. Therefore, the estimation problem is carried out over a set of parameters which are functions. The algorithm is based on the linearization of the parameter-to-output mapping. This technique is new in the field of nonlinear estimation. It has the advantage of laying aside parametric models. The algorithm is iterative and is of predictor-corrector type. We present theoretical results on the inverse problem. We use synthetic data to test the new algorithm. © 2008 IOP Publishing Ltd.


Documento: Artículo
Título:A predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate the fractional flow in oil-water models
Autor:Savioli, G.B.; Fernández Berdaguer, E.M.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Ingeniería de Reservorios, IGPUBA, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Las Heras 2214 Piso 3, C1127AAR Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Clculo, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Título revista:Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Título revista abreviado:J. Phys. Conf. Ser.


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---------- APA ----------
Savioli, G.B. & Fernández Berdaguer, E.M. (2008) . A predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate the fractional flow in oil-water models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 135.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Savioli, G.B., Fernández Berdaguer, E.M. "A predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate the fractional flow in oil-water models" . Journal of Physics: Conference Series 135 (2008).
---------- MLA ----------
Savioli, G.B., Fernández Berdaguer, E.M. "A predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate the fractional flow in oil-water models" . Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 135, 2008.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Savioli, G.B., Fernández Berdaguer, E.M. A predictor-corrector algorithm to estimate the fractional flow in oil-water models. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2008;135.