
García-Cordero, I.; Esteves, S.; Mikulan, E.P.; Hesse, E.; Baglivo, F.H.; Silva, W.; García, M.C.; Vaucheret, E.; Ciraolo, C.; García, H.S.; Adolfi, F.; Pietto, M.; Herrera, E.; Legaz, A.; Manes, F.; García, A.M.; Sigman, M.; Bekinschtein, T.A. (...) Sedeño, L. "Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception" (2017) Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11(JUL)
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Interoception, the monitoring of visceral signals, is often presumed to engage attentional mechanisms specifically devoted to inner bodily sensing. In fact, most standardized interoceptive tasks require directing attention to internal signals. However, most studies in the field have failed to compare attentional modulations between internally- and externally-driven processes, thus probing blind to the specificity of the former. Here we address this issue through a multidimensional approach combining behavioral measures, analyses of event-related potentials and functional connectivity via high-density electroencephalography, and intracranial recordings. In Study 1, 50 healthy volunteers performed a heartbeat detection task as we recorded modulations of the heartbeat-evoked potential (HEP) in three conditions: exteroception, basal interoception (also termed interoceptive accuracy), and post-feedback interoception (sometimes called interoceptive learning). In Study 2, to evaluate whether key interoceptive areas (posterior insula, inferior frontal gyrus, amygdala, and somatosensory cortex) were differentially modulated by externally- and internally-driven processes, we analyzed human intracranial recordings with depth electrodes in these regions. This unique technique provides a very fine grained spatio-temporal resolution compared to other techniques, such as EEG or fMRI. We found that both interoceptive conditions in Study 1 yielded greater HEP amplitudes than the exteroceptive one. In addition, connectivity analysis showed that post-feedback interoception, relative to basal interoception, involved enhanced long-distance connections linking frontal and posterior regions. Moreover, results from Study 2 showed a differentiation between oscillations during basal interoception (broadband: 35-110 Hz) and exteroception (1-35 Hz) in the insula, the amygdala, the somatosensory cortex, and the inferior frontal gyrus. In sum, this work provides convergent evidence for the specificity and dynamics of attentional mechanisms involved in interoception. © 2017 García-Cordero, Esteves, Mikulan, Hesse, Baglivo, Silva, García, Vaucheret, Ciraolo, García, Adolfi, Pietto, Herrera, Legaz, Manes, García, Sigman, Bekinschtein, Ibáñez and Sedeño.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception
Autor:García-Cordero, I.; Esteves, S.; Mikulan, E.P.; Hesse, E.; Baglivo, F.H.; Silva, W.; García, M.C.; Vaucheret, E.; Ciraolo, C.; García, H.S.; Adolfi, F.; Pietto, M.; Herrera, E.; Legaz, A.; Manes, F.; García, A.M.; Sigman, M.; Bekinschtein, T.A.; Ibáñez, A.; Sedeño, L.
Filiación:Laboratory of Experimental Psychology and Neuroscience, Institute of Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience, INECO Foundation, Favaloro University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Programa de Cirugía de Epilepsia, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
Centro de Memoria y Cognición Intellectus, Bogotá, Colombia
Unit of Applied Neurobiology, Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Estudios Psicológicos, Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia
Australian Research Council, Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Faculty of Education, National University of Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
Laboratory of Neuroscience, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Instituto de Fisica de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile
Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, Barranquilla, Colombia
Palabras clave:Exteroception; Heart evoked potential; Interoception; Interoceptive learning; Intracranial recordings; adult; aged; amygdala; Article; attention; basal interoception; controlled study; correlation analysis; electroencephalography; event related potential; evoked response; exteroception; female; functional connectivity; heartbeat evoked potential; human; human experiment; inferior frontal gyrus; information processing; interoception; male; normal human; oscillation; perception; post feedback interoception; posterior insula; somatosensory cortex; task performance
Título revista:Frontiers in Neuroscience
Título revista abreviado:Front. Neurosci.


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---------- APA ----------
García-Cordero, I., Esteves, S., Mikulan, E.P., Hesse, E., Baglivo, F.H., Silva, W., García, M.C.,..., Sedeño, L. (2017) . Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11(JUL).
---------- CHICAGO ----------
García-Cordero, I., Esteves, S., Mikulan, E.P., Hesse, E., Baglivo, F.H., Silva, W., et al. "Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception" . Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, no. JUL (2017).
---------- MLA ----------
García-Cordero, I., Esteves, S., Mikulan, E.P., Hesse, E., Baglivo, F.H., Silva, W., et al. "Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception" . Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 11, no. JUL, 2017.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
García-Cordero, I., Esteves, S., Mikulan, E.P., Hesse, E., Baglivo, F.H., Silva, W., et al. Attention, in and out: Scalp-level and intracranial EEG correlates of interoception and exteroception. Front. Neurosci. 2017;11(JUL).