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The existence of a charge-transfer-to-solvent process when a KI contact ion pair (GP) dissolved in supercritical water (SCW) is excited by UV light was confirmed by use of electronic structure calculations applied to molecular dynamics trajectories. We observed similar behavior with fluid density as that found for the KI-CIP in supercritical ammonia (SCA); nevertheless, there are some distinct features in the two supercritical solvents. First, the effect of the solvent field due to the molecules lying beyond the first solvation shell is very different in SCW compared with that observed in SCA; in SCW it actually has a destabilizing effect over the ground and excited states. Second, our results for the thermodynamic behavior of the CIP indicate that SCA is better solvent than SCW for this species. The differences found can be attributed to the solvent molecules surrounding the CIP and bridging the two ions; they shield more efficiently the ion pair from long-range solvent effects in SCA. The different behavior is partially attributed to a stronger solvent-solvent interaction in SCW than in SCA. © 2008 American Chemical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Is ammonia a better solvent than water for contact ion Pairs?
Autor:Sciaini, G.; Marceca, E.; Fernández-Prini, R.
Filiación:INQUIMAE/DQIAQF, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
UAQ, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina
Departments of Physics and Chemistry, Institute for Optical Sciences, University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3H6, Canada
Palabras clave:Ammonia; Dissolution; Dynamics; Electric excitation; Electronic structure; Ions; Molecular dynamics; Quantum chemistry; Charge-transfer-to-solvent; Contact ion pairs; Destabilizing effects; Distinct features; Electronic-structure calculations; Excited-states; Fluid densities; Ion pairs; Molecular dynamics trajectories; Solvation shells; Solvent effects; Solvent molecules; Solvent-solvent interactions; Supercritical ammonia; Supercritical solvents; Supercritical water; U V light; Solvents
Página de inicio:11990
Página de fin:11995
Título revista:Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Título revista abreviado:J Phys Chem B


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---------- APA ----------
Sciaini, G., Marceca, E. & Fernández-Prini, R. (2008) . Is ammonia a better solvent than water for contact ion Pairs?. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112(38), 11990-11995.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Sciaini, G., Marceca, E., Fernández-Prini, R. "Is ammonia a better solvent than water for contact ion Pairs?" . Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, no. 38 (2008) : 11990-11995.
---------- MLA ----------
Sciaini, G., Marceca, E., Fernández-Prini, R. "Is ammonia a better solvent than water for contact ion Pairs?" . Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol. 112, no. 38, 2008, pp. 11990-11995.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Sciaini, G., Marceca, E., Fernández-Prini, R. Is ammonia a better solvent than water for contact ion Pairs?. J Phys Chem B. 2008;112(38):11990-11995.