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There have been abundant mycological expeditions to Patagonia, but locations sampled covered only a minimum portion of this extent region. In this way, most expeditions were focused in opposite endings of Subantarctic Forests: Tierra del Fuego at the south, and Neuquén and Rio Negro (Argentina), Santiago and Maule (Chile) at the north. All the territory comprehended between these provinces remains largely unknown for agaricoid fungi. The primal objective of the present work was to assess the richness of agaricoid species present in Nothofagus pumilio (lenga) forests in Chubut (Argentina), a part of this large portion of territory where no previous information is available. Four samplings took place from 2012 to 2014 in three different forests of Chubut province of Argentina. A total of 130 species of agaricoid fungi were found. Among them, 125 belong to Agaricales, 2 to Boletales and 3 to Russulales. Cortinariaceae (Agaricales) was the most diverse family, with 57 species. A key to all agaricoid species found is presented. We provide new records for 4 species at country level and 124 at province level. © 2017 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Agaricoid fungi of Nothofagus pumilio forests (Chubut, Argentina): Dicotomic key and checklist
Autor:Romano, G.M.; Greslebin, A.G.; Lechner, B.E.
Filiación:Departamento de Biología General, Facultad de ciencias naturales, Universidad nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, ruta nacional 259, Km 16.4, Esquel, chubut, cP 9200, Argentina
Consejo nacional de Investigaciones científicas y técnicas (CONICET), Argentina
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de ciencias Exactas y naturales, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental (dBBE), Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET, Instituto de Micología y Botánica (InMiBo), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Agaricales; Dicotomic key; Listado de especies; Patagonia
Página de inicio:39
Página de fin:69
Título revista:Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie
Título revista abreviado:Rev. Museo Argentino Cienc. Nat. Nuev Serie


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---------- APA ----------
Romano, G.M., Greslebin, A.G. & Lechner, B.E. (2017) . Agaricoid fungi of Nothofagus pumilio forests (Chubut, Argentina): Dicotomic key and checklist . Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie, 19, 39-69.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Romano, G.M., Greslebin, A.G., Lechner, B.E. "Agaricoid fungi of Nothofagus pumilio forests (Chubut, Argentina): Dicotomic key and checklist " . Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie 19 (2017) : 39-69.
---------- MLA ----------
Romano, G.M., Greslebin, A.G., Lechner, B.E. "Agaricoid fungi of Nothofagus pumilio forests (Chubut, Argentina): Dicotomic key and checklist " . Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Nueva Serie, vol. 19, 2017, pp. 39-69.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Romano, G.M., Greslebin, A.G., Lechner, B.E. Agaricoid fungi of Nothofagus pumilio forests (Chubut, Argentina): Dicotomic key and checklist . Rev. Museo Argentino Cienc. Nat. Nuev Serie. 2017;19:39-69.