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The specificity and universality of intracellular Ca 2+ signals rely on the variety of spatio-temporal patterns that the Ca 2+ concentration can display. Ca 2+ liberation through inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP 3 Rs) is key for this variety. In this paper, we study how the competition between buffers of different kinetics affects Ca 2+ signals that involve Ca 2+ release through IP 3 Rs. The study also provides insight into the underlying spatial distribution of the channels that participate in the signals. Previous works on the effects of Ca 2+ buffers have drawn conclusions 'indirectly' by observing the Ca 2+ -bound dye distributions in the presence of varying concentrations of exogenous buffers and using simulations to interpret the results. In this paper, we make visible the invisible by observing the signals simultaneously with two dyes, Rhod-2 and Fluo-4, each of which plays the role of a slow or fast Ca 2+ buffer, respectively. Our observations obtained for different concentrations of Fluo-4 highlight the dual role that fast buffers exert on the dynamics, either reducing the intracluster channel coupling or preventing channel inhibition and allowing the occurrence of relatively long cycles of Ca 2+ release. Our experiments also show that signals with relatively high Ca 2+ release rates remain localized in the presence of large Rhod-2 concentrations, while the mean speed of the elicited waves increases. We interpret this as a consequence of the more effective uncoupling between IP 3 R clusters as the slow dye concentration increases. Combining the analysis of the experiments with numerical simulations, we also conclude that Ca 2+ release not only occurs within the close vicinity of the centers of the clearly identifiable release sites (IP 3 R clusters) but there are also functional IP 3 Rs in between them. © 2018 IOP Publishing Ltd.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Using two dyes to observe the competition of Ca 2+ trapping mechanisms and their effect on intracellular Ca 2+ signals
Autor:Piegari, E.; Lopez, L.F.; Ponce Dawson, S.
Filiación:Departamento de Física and IFIBA (CONICET), FCEyN-UBA, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:calcium buffers; calcium puffs; spatio-temporal distributions; aniline derivative; coloring agent; Fluo 4; fused heterocyclic rings; rhod-2; xanthene derivative; animal; calcium signaling; chemistry; kinetics; oocyte; physiology; Xenopus laevis; Aniline Compounds; Animals; Calcium Signaling; Coloring Agents; Heterocyclic Compounds, 3-Ring; Kinetics; Oocytes; Xanthenes; Xenopus laevis
Título revista:Physical Biology
Título revista abreviado:Phys. Biol.
CAS:Aniline Compounds; Coloring Agents; Fluo 4; Heterocyclic Compounds, 3-Ring; rhod-2; Xanthenes


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---------- APA ----------
Piegari, E., Lopez, L.F. & Ponce Dawson, S. (2018) . Using two dyes to observe the competition of Ca 2+ trapping mechanisms and their effect on intracellular Ca 2+ signals. Physical Biology, 15(6).
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Piegari, E., Lopez, L.F., Ponce Dawson, S. "Using two dyes to observe the competition of Ca 2+ trapping mechanisms and their effect on intracellular Ca 2+ signals" . Physical Biology 15, no. 6 (2018).
---------- MLA ----------
Piegari, E., Lopez, L.F., Ponce Dawson, S. "Using two dyes to observe the competition of Ca 2+ trapping mechanisms and their effect on intracellular Ca 2+ signals" . Physical Biology, vol. 15, no. 6, 2018.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Piegari, E., Lopez, L.F., Ponce Dawson, S. Using two dyes to observe the competition of Ca 2+ trapping mechanisms and their effect on intracellular Ca 2+ signals. Phys. Biol. 2018;15(6).