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This paper presents a new method to calculate solid-state effects on NMR chemical shifts. Using full crystal potentials, this new method (CPPCh) eliminates the need to arbitrarily select the point charges that are included in the calculations of the NMR chemical shieldings to take into account intermolecular effects. By eliminating the arbitrary selection of the point charges, the method provides a mechanism to systematically improve the simulation of intermolecular effects on chemical shielding calculations. This new method has been applied to the calculation of the 31 P NMR chemical shifts tensors in P 4 S 3 . The shielding calculations were done using the DFT approach with the BLYP gradient corrected exchange correlation functional. This method was selected to calculate the 31 P chemical shifts because it includes electron correlation effects at a reasonable cost.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Modeling NMR chemical shifts: Crystal potential derived point charge (CPPCh) model to calculate solid state effects on 31 P chemical shifts tensors
Autor:Schneider, D.M.; Caputo, M.C.; Ferraro, M.B.; Facelli, J.C.
Filiación:Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, (1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ctr. for High Performance Computing, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, United States
Palabras clave:Charge point models; Chemical shielding calculations; NMR solid state effects; analytic method; article; calculation; correlation coefficient; crystal structure; density functional theory; electron transport; elimination reaction; molecular interaction; molecular mechanics; nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance; solid state
Página de inicio:75
Página de fin:83
Título revista:International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Título revista abreviado:Int. J. Mol. Sci.


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---------- APA ----------
Schneider, D.M., Caputo, M.C., Ferraro, M.B. & Facelli, J.C. (2000) . Modeling NMR chemical shifts: Crystal potential derived point charge (CPPCh) model to calculate solid state effects on 31 P chemical shifts tensors. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 1(4), 75-83.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Schneider, D.M., Caputo, M.C., Ferraro, M.B., Facelli, J.C. "Modeling NMR chemical shifts: Crystal potential derived point charge (CPPCh) model to calculate solid state effects on 31 P chemical shifts tensors" . International Journal of Molecular Sciences 1, no. 4 (2000) : 75-83.
---------- MLA ----------
Schneider, D.M., Caputo, M.C., Ferraro, M.B., Facelli, J.C. "Modeling NMR chemical shifts: Crystal potential derived point charge (CPPCh) model to calculate solid state effects on 31 P chemical shifts tensors" . International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 1, no. 4, 2000, pp. 75-83.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Schneider, D.M., Caputo, M.C., Ferraro, M.B., Facelli, J.C. Modeling NMR chemical shifts: Crystal potential derived point charge (CPPCh) model to calculate solid state effects on 31 P chemical shifts tensors. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2000;1(4):75-83.