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The present review is an update of several aspects of the study of supernova remnants and their interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium, both from the observational and theoretical point of view. Some of the main unsolved problems are described.


Documento: Conferencia
Título:Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium
Autor:Dubner, G.M.
Filiación:Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio (IAFE), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Ism-supernova remnants
Página de inicio:45
Página de fin:50
Título revista:VIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting
Título revista abreviado:Rev.Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Ser. Conf.


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---------- APA ----------
(1996) . Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium. VIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting, 4, 45-50.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Dubner, G.M. "Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium" . VIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting 4 (1996) : 45-50.
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---------- MLA ----------
Dubner, G.M. "Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium" . VIII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 45-50.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Dubner, G.M. Supernova remnants and the interstellar medium. Rev.Mex. Astron. Astrofis. Ser. Conf. 1996;4:45-50.
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