
Graham, J.P.; Holm, D.; Mininni, P.; Pouquet, A.; Meyers J.; Geurts B.; Sagaut P.; Geurts B.; Salvetti M.V. "The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models" (2011) 2nd Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, QLES 2009. 16:411-420
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The subfilter-scale (SFS) physics of regularization models are investigated to understand the regularizations’ performance as SFS models. The strong suppression of spectrally local SFS interactions and the conservation of small-scale circulation in the Lagrangianaveraged Navier-Stokes α−model (LANS−α) is found to lead to the formation of rigid bodies. These contaminate the superfilter-scale energy spectrum with a scaling that approaches k+1 as the SFS spectra is resolved. The Clark−α and Leray−α models, truncations of LANS−α, do not conserve small-scale circulation and do not develop rigid bodies. LANS−α, however, is closest to Navier-Stokes in intermittency properties. For magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), the presence of the Lorentz force as a source (or sink) for circulation and as a facilitator of both spectrally nonlocal large to small scale interactions as well as local SFS interactions prevents the formation of rigid bodies in Lagrangian-averaged MHD (LAMHD−α). We find LAMHD−α performs well as a predictor of superfilter-scale energy spectra and of intermittent current sheets at high Reynolds numbers.We expect it may prove to be a generally applicable MHD-LES. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models
Autor:Graham, J.P.; Holm, D.; Mininni, P.; Pouquet, A.; Meyers J.; Geurts B.; Sagaut P.; Geurts B.; Salvetti M.V.
Filiación:Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Computer and Computational Science Division, Los Alamos National LaboratoryNM, United States
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, United States
Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Alpha models; Intermittency; LES; MHD; Subgrid-scale processes
Página de inicio:411
Página de fin:420
Título revista:2nd Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, QLES 2009
Título revista abreviado:ERCOFTAC Ser.


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---------- APA ----------
Graham, J.P., Holm, D., Mininni, P., Pouquet, A., Meyers J., Geurts B., Sagaut P.,..., Salvetti M.V. (2011) . The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models. 2nd Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, QLES 2009, 16, 411-420.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Graham, J.P., Holm, D., Mininni, P., Pouquet, A., Meyers J., Geurts B., et al. "The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models" . 2nd Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, QLES 2009 16 (2011) : 411-420.
---------- MLA ----------
Graham, J.P., Holm, D., Mininni, P., Pouquet, A., Meyers J., Geurts B., et al. "The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models" . 2nd Workshop on Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations, QLES 2009, vol. 16, 2011, pp. 411-420.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Graham, J.P., Holm, D., Mininni, P., Pouquet, A., Meyers J., Geurts B., et al. The effect of subfilter-scale physics on regularization models. ERCOFTAC Ser. 2011;16:411-420.