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In this paper we compiled and analyzed the uses of bioacoustics in systematics, conservation and bird population management. In particular, the uses of songs in the diagnosis of new species and the study of their macrosystematic relationships are stressed out. Bioacoustics also provide a powerful and economic way (in terms of time and money) for monitoring biodiversity in remote areas. In addition to the species richness, bioacoustic analysis allows the estimation of relative population densities. The playback method, which consists in the broadcast of tape-recorded natural sounds, can be used in individual and species identification, the counting and capture of animals, as well as the mapping of their territories. This method may be useful to repel or attract species causing economic problems or hazards, or present conservation problems, respectively.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Bioacustics applied to systematics, conservation and management of natural populations of birds
Autor:Tubaro, P.L.
Filiación:Laboratorio de Biología del Comportamiento, Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental, Vta. de Obligado 2490, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Aves; Bioacustics; Biodiversity; Conservation; Playback; Systematics
Página de inicio:19
Página de fin:32
Título revista:Etologia
Título revista abreviado:Etologia


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(1999) . Bioacustics applied to systematics, conservation and management of natural populations of birds . Etologia(7), 19-32.
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Tubaro, P.L. "Bioacustics applied to systematics, conservation and management of natural populations of birds " . Etologia, no. 7 (1999) : 19-32.
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Tubaro, P.L. "Bioacustics applied to systematics, conservation and management of natural populations of birds " . Etologia, no. 7, 1999, pp. 19-32.
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Tubaro, P.L. Bioacustics applied to systematics, conservation and management of natural populations of birds . Etologia. 1999(7):19-32.
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