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The structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry are studied. Ground-state energies and density profiles are computed by using density-functional approaches. A model to understand the energetics of cylindrical systems is developed by following the main ideas of the Droplet Model utilized to describe spherical clusters. The necessary condition for stability is formulated by imposing a positive longitudinal isothermal compressibility along the principal axis of the cylinder. It is shown that free cylinders of (formula presented) at (formula presented) are unstable. As an example of the evolution towards stable systems, results for liquid (formula presented) confined by cylindrical nanopores in Cs are reported. © 2001 The American Physical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry
Autor:Szybisz, L.; Gatica, S.M.
Filiación:Laboratorio TANDAR, Departamento de Física, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Avenida del Libertador 8250, RA-1429 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, RA-1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Título revista:Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Título revista abreviado:Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter Mater. Phys.


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---------- APA ----------
Szybisz, L. & Gatica, S.M. (2001) . Structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 64(22).
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Szybisz, L., Gatica, S.M. "Structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry" . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 64, no. 22 (2001).
---------- MLA ----------
Szybisz, L., Gatica, S.M. "Structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry" . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 64, no. 22, 2001.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Szybisz, L., Gatica, S.M. Structure and stability of superfluid (formula presented) systems with cylindrical symmetry. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 2001;64(22).