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Numerical calculations illustrate the effect of the sign of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping term (formula presented) on the two-hole properties of the (formula presented) model. Working mainly on two-leg ladders, in the (formula presented) regime, it is shown that introducing (formula presented) in the (formula presented) model is equivalent to effectively renormalizing J, namely (formula presented) negative (positive) is equivalent to an effective (formula presented) model with smaller (bigger) J. This effect is present even at the level of a (formula presented) plaquette toy model, and was observed also in calculations on small square clusters. Analyzing the transition probabilities of a hole pair in the plaquette toy model, it is argued that the coherent propagation of such hole pair is enhanced by a constructive interference between both t and (formula presented) for (formula presented) This interference is destructive for (formula presented). © 2001 The American Physical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Qualitative understanding of the sign of (formula presented) asymmetry in the extended (formula presented) model and relevance for pairing properties
Autor:Martins, G.B.; Dagotto, E.; Xavier, J.C.; Arrachea, L.
Filiación:National High Magnetic Field Laboratary and Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306, United States
Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, FCEN, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina
Título revista:Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Título revista abreviado:Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter Mater. Phys.


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  • In previous works by two of the authors (Ref. 5), indications of spin-charge separation were found in the negative (Formula presented) regime. The connection of the ideas discussed here to these previous results is being presently analyzed; Since the objective is to analyze the hole-pair dynamics, a strong coupling regime (Formula presented) (Formula presented) is assumed. In this case the two states with spin singlets in the diagonal of the plaquette are excited configurations (with zero energy) and the four states with spin singlets in the sides of the plaquette form a degenerate ground state (with energy (Formula presented). Therefore, starting from a ground-state configuration (spin singlet on the side), a NN hopping takes it to an excited configuration (spin singlet on the diagonal), being therefore a less probable process, according to standard perturbation theory. Note that the fermionic commutation signs are included in the orientation of the singlets; A previous publication (Ref. 9), discussing differences between hole-doped and electron-doped cuprates, suggested as an explanation for the (Formula presented) sign effect the stabilization of Néel-like configurations (containing NN hole pairs) in the ground state through a diagonal matrix element with value (Formula presented). Such configurations would be energetically favored by a positive (Formula presented), leading to an increase in pairing and AF spin correlations, with the opposite effect for (Formula presented) negative, as compared to the (Formula presented) case. However, this argument does not address an important point: In the limit of (Formula presented) it would still give asymmetric results for positive and negative (Formula presented). It was checked by ED of a (Formula presented) ladder with two holes that the ground state for (Formula presented) and (Formula presented) has (Formula presented), that is a sufficient requirement for the matrix element argument to apply; nevertheless the probability of having the holes in the same rung is quite similar for positive and negative (Formula presented). The spin correlations are also similar, indicating the irrelevance of the sign of (Formula presented) in the (Formula presented) limit. Then, the interference mechanism, that takes into account the interplay of NN and NNN hoppings, supplements their argument, since in the limit (Formula presented) the interference becomes irrelevant. In Ref. 4, the (Formula presented) toy model was used to make an energetic consideration to explain the pair binding dependence on the sign of (Formula presented). The intuitive picture here discussed supplements their discussion and, regarding their assumption about the validity or not of generalizing results obtained in the (Formula presented) plaquette to larger systems, the results shown here (e.g., Fig. 22) give support to such a generalization; Dagotto, E., Nazarenko, A., Moreo, A., (1995) Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, p. 310
  • Nazarenko, A., Moreo, A., Dagotto, E., Riera, J., (1996) Phys. Rev. B, 54, p. R768


---------- APA ----------
Martins, G.B., Dagotto, E., Xavier, J.C. & Arrachea, L. (2001) . Qualitative understanding of the sign of (formula presented) asymmetry in the extended (formula presented) model and relevance for pairing properties. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 64(18).
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Martins, G.B., Dagotto, E., Xavier, J.C., Arrachea, L. "Qualitative understanding of the sign of (formula presented) asymmetry in the extended (formula presented) model and relevance for pairing properties" . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 64, no. 18 (2001).
---------- MLA ----------
Martins, G.B., Dagotto, E., Xavier, J.C., Arrachea, L. "Qualitative understanding of the sign of (formula presented) asymmetry in the extended (formula presented) model and relevance for pairing properties" . Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, vol. 64, no. 18, 2001.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Martins, G.B., Dagotto, E., Xavier, J.C., Arrachea, L. Qualitative understanding of the sign of (formula presented) asymmetry in the extended (formula presented) model and relevance for pairing properties. Phys. Rev. B Condens. Matter Mater. Phys. 2001;64(18).