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This article reviews some aspects of analytical methods used to determine the occurrence of type A and B trichothecenes in grains and foodstuffs and their trends during the decade 1999—2000. A pronounced tendency to use extraction solvents less toxic than chloroform became evident. There was not a prevalent clean up process that pointed there were problems to obtain good recoveries of those mycotoxins. Taking into account the mean values of contamination found in the literature and the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake, a methodology suitable for a surveillance work should have a limit of quantification not greater than 50 μg/kg for deoxynivalenol and less than 10 μg/kg for T-2 and HT-2 toxins. Therefore, gas chromatography or thin layer chromatography could be used for type B trichothecenes while for type A trichothecenes, gas chromatography with electron capture or mass spectrometric detectors is the mandatory quantification method. © 2002, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Analytical Methods for Trichothecenes Surveillance — An Overview Over the Period 1990—2000
Autor:Samar, M.M.; Resnik, S.L.
Filiación:Departamento de Química Orgánica y Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA
Palabras clave:mycotoxin; surveillance; trichothecenes; Contamination; Gas chromatography; Grain (agricultural product); Mass spectrometry; Thin layer chromatography; Trichothecenes surveillance; Fungi; Fungi; Gas Chromatography; Thin Layer Chromatography; Fungi
Página de inicio:257
Página de fin:268
Título revista:Food Science and Technology International
Título revista abreviado:Food Sci. Technol. Int.


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---------- APA ----------
Samar, M.M. & Resnik, S.L. (2002) . Analytical Methods for Trichothecenes Surveillance — An Overview Over the Period 1990—2000. Food Science and Technology International, 8(5), 257-268.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Samar, M.M., Resnik, S.L. "Analytical Methods for Trichothecenes Surveillance — An Overview Over the Period 1990—2000" . Food Science and Technology International 8, no. 5 (2002) : 257-268.
---------- MLA ----------
Samar, M.M., Resnik, S.L. "Analytical Methods for Trichothecenes Surveillance — An Overview Over the Period 1990—2000" . Food Science and Technology International, vol. 8, no. 5, 2002, pp. 257-268.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Samar, M.M., Resnik, S.L. Analytical Methods for Trichothecenes Surveillance — An Overview Over the Period 1990—2000. Food Sci. Technol. Int. 2002;8(5):257-268.