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The vocalizations of some young brood-parasitic birds closely resemble those of their host's young. Such similarities might arise because hosts bestow the greatest parental care in response to their own species' call type. We used a playback experiment to assess the effectiveness of the nestling call structures of 2 brood parasites, the specialist screaming cowbird (Molothrus rufoaxillaris) and the generalist shiny cowbird (M. bonariensis), in stimulating parental provisioning in a shared host, the baywing (Agelaioides badius). Screaming cowbird begging calls closely resemble those of baywing young and thus should best exploit any bias for species-specific cues. Shiny cowbird calls, in contrast, are unlike baywings but can instead exploit nonspecific sensory biases for long call duration and syllable repetition. We found that playback of screaming cowbird's mimetic calls elicited increases in feeding rates equivalent to those of playback of the host's own young, whereas shiny cowbird calls failed to increase provisioning rates above those of no-broadcast control sessions. These results indicate that baywings discriminate between nestling call structures in favor of their own species calls when adjusting parental investment and support the view that selection for optimal host provisioning can favor vocal mimicry by parasitic offspring. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Host provisioning behavior favors mimetic begging calls in a brood-parasitic cowbird
Autor:Ursino, C.A.; Gloag, R.; Reboreda, J.C.; De Mársico, M.C.
Filiación:Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución-IEGEBA, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, wIntendente Göiraldes 2160C1428EGA, Argentina
School of Life and Environment Sciences, Macleay Building A12, University of SydneyNSW 2006, Australia
Palabras clave:begging call; brood parasitism; cowbird; mimicry; Molothrus; parental care; Aves; Molothrus; Molothrus bonariensis; Molothrus rufoaxillaris
Página de inicio:328
Página de fin:332
Título revista:Behavioral Ecology
Título revista abreviado:Behav. Ecol.


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---------- APA ----------
Ursino, C.A., Gloag, R., Reboreda, J.C. & De Mársico, M.C. (2018) . Host provisioning behavior favors mimetic begging calls in a brood-parasitic cowbird. Behavioral Ecology, 29(2), 328-332.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ursino, C.A., Gloag, R., Reboreda, J.C., De Mársico, M.C. "Host provisioning behavior favors mimetic begging calls in a brood-parasitic cowbird" . Behavioral Ecology 29, no. 2 (2018) : 328-332.
---------- MLA ----------
Ursino, C.A., Gloag, R., Reboreda, J.C., De Mársico, M.C. "Host provisioning behavior favors mimetic begging calls in a brood-parasitic cowbird" . Behavioral Ecology, vol. 29, no. 2, 2018, pp. 328-332.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ursino, C.A., Gloag, R., Reboreda, J.C., De Mársico, M.C. Host provisioning behavior favors mimetic begging calls in a brood-parasitic cowbird. Behav. Ecol. 2018;29(2):328-332.