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We compare the accuracy of five approaches for contour detection in speckled imagery. Some of these methods take advantage of the statistical properties of speckled data, and all of them employ active contours using B-spline curves. Images obtained with coherent illumination are affected by a noise called speckle, which is inherent to the imaging process. These data have been statistically modeled by a multiplicative model using the G0 distribution, under which regions with different degrees of roughness can be characterized by the value of a parameter. We use this information to find boundaries between regions with different textures. We propose and compare five strategies for boundary detection: three based on the data (maximum discontinuity on raw data, fractal dimension and maximum likelihood) and two based on estimates of the roughness parameter (maximum discontinuity and anisotropic smoothed roughness estimates). In order to compare these strategies, a Monte Carlo experience was performed to assess the accuracy of fitting a curve to a region. The probability of finding the correct edge with less than a specified error is estimated and used to compare the techniques. The two best procedures are then compared in terms of their computational cost and, finally, we show that the maximum likelihood approach on the raw data using the G0 law is the best technique. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery
Autor:Gambini, J.; Mejail, M.E.; Jacobo-Berlles, J.; Frery, A.C.
Filiación:Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón I, C1428EGA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Norte km 97, Maceió, AL 57072-970, Brazil
Palabras clave:Active contours; B-spline curve fitting; Image analysis; SAR imagery; Speckle noise
Página de inicio:15
Página de fin:26
Título revista:Statistics and Computing
Título revista abreviado:Stat. Comput.


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---------- APA ----------
Gambini, J., Mejail, M.E., Jacobo-Berlles, J. & Frery, A.C. (2008) . Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery. Statistics and Computing, 18(1), 15-26.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Gambini, J., Mejail, M.E., Jacobo-Berlles, J., Frery, A.C. "Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery" . Statistics and Computing 18, no. 1 (2008) : 15-26.
---------- MLA ----------
Gambini, J., Mejail, M.E., Jacobo-Berlles, J., Frery, A.C. "Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery" . Statistics and Computing, vol. 18, no. 1, 2008, pp. 15-26.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Gambini, J., Mejail, M.E., Jacobo-Berlles, J., Frery, A.C. Accuracy of edge detection methods with local information in speckled imagery. Stat. Comput. 2008;18(1):15-26.