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Documento: Artículo
Título:Technical note: The calculation of the heat of water sorption in foods on the basis of B.E.T. theory
Filiación:Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aire, Buenos Aires, 1428, Argentina
Página de inicio:103
Página de fin:107
Título revista:International Journal of Food Science & Technology
Título revista abreviado:Int. J. Food Sci. Technol.


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---------- APA ----------
CHIRIFE, J., SUÁREZ, C. & IGLESIAS, H.A. (1986) . Technical note: The calculation of the heat of water sorption in foods on the basis of B.E.T. theory. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 21(1), 103-107.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
CHIRIFE, J., SUÁREZ, C., IGLESIAS, H.A. "Technical note: The calculation of the heat of water sorption in foods on the basis of B.E.T. theory" . International Journal of Food Science & Technology 21, no. 1 (1986) : 103-107.
---------- MLA ----------
CHIRIFE, J., SUÁREZ, C., IGLESIAS, H.A. "Technical note: The calculation of the heat of water sorption in foods on the basis of B.E.T. theory" . International Journal of Food Science & Technology, vol. 21, no. 1, 1986, pp. 103-107.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
CHIRIFE, J., SUÁREZ, C., IGLESIAS, H.A. Technical note: The calculation of the heat of water sorption in foods on the basis of B.E.T. theory. Int. J. Food Sci. Technol. 1986;21(1):103-107.