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The physiological costs of reproduction can be measured as the energy allocated to reproductive activities. In fiddler crabs, females allocate energy to vitellogenesis and brooding, whereas males perform expensive courtship behaviors. We evaluated in a large-scale study the reproduction cost of females and males of Leptuca uruguayensis in a temperate estuary, where their reproductive efforts are synchronized in a short reproductive season. The reproductive investments (vitellogenesis, spermatophore production, and male reproductive behaviors) were measured and related to the dynamics of storage and expenditure of energy reserves (glycogen, total lipids, and total protein) in the hepatopancreas, ovary, and muscle of the enlarged cheliped, throughout one annual cycle. Maximum energy storage occurred in winter, a period of low activity, whereas minimum energy storage occurred during the reproductive period, characterized by expensive activities. The glycogen reserves of the hepatopancreas decreased about 66% in females and 61% in males, suggesting high and similar physiological costs of reproduction between sexes, despite their different reproductive strategies to maximize their fitness. © 2018 Elsevier GmbH


Documento: Artículo
Título:Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs
Autor:Colpo, K.D.; López-Greco, L.S.
Filiación:Instituto de Limnología Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet, CONICET, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, 1900, Argentina
Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Instituto de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental y Aplicada (IBBEA), Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental, Laboratorio de Biología de la Reproducción y el Crecimiento de Crustáceos Decápodos, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
Palabras clave:Glycogen reserves; Leptuca uruguayensis; Male courtship behaviors; Sperm repletion; Vitellogenesis; animal; Brachyura; energy metabolism; female; growth, development and aging; male; metabolism; oocyte; physiology; reproduction; season; sexual behavior; Animals; Brachyura; Energy Metabolism; Female; Male; Oocytes; Reproduction; Seasons; Sexual Behavior, Animal
Página de inicio:11
Página de fin:19
Título revista:Zoology
Título revista abreviado:Zoology


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---------- APA ----------
Colpo, K.D. & López-Greco, L.S. (2018) . Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs. Zoology, 126, 11-19.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Colpo, K.D., López-Greco, L.S. "Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs" . Zoology 126 (2018) : 11-19.
---------- MLA ----------
Colpo, K.D., López-Greco, L.S. "Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs" . Zoology, vol. 126, 2018, pp. 11-19.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Colpo, K.D., López-Greco, L.S. Dynamics of energy reserves and the cost of reproduction in female and male fiddler crabs. Zoology. 2018;126:11-19.