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A graph is biclique-Helly when its family of (maximal) bicliques is a Helly family. We describe characterizations for biclique-Helly graphs, leading to polynomial time recognition algorithms. In addition, we relate biclique-Helly graphs to the classes of clique-Helly, disk-Helly and neighborhood-Helly graphs. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Tokyo.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Biclique-Helly graphs
Autor:Groshaus, M.; Szwarcfiter, J.L.
Filiación:Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Ciencias Exáctas y Naturales, Departamento de Computación, Argentina
Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Matemática, NCE and COPPE, Brazil
Palabras clave:Bichromatic cliques; Biclique-Helly graphs; Bicliques; Clique-Helly graphs; Disk-Helly graphs; Neighborhood-Helly graphs
Página de inicio:633
Página de fin:645
Título revista:Graphs and Combinatorics
Título revista abreviado:Graphs Comb.


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---------- APA ----------
Groshaus, M. & Szwarcfiter, J.L. (2007) . Biclique-Helly graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 23(6), 633-645.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Groshaus, M., Szwarcfiter, J.L. "Biclique-Helly graphs" . Graphs and Combinatorics 23, no. 6 (2007) : 633-645.
---------- MLA ----------
Groshaus, M., Szwarcfiter, J.L. "Biclique-Helly graphs" . Graphs and Combinatorics, vol. 23, no. 6, 2007, pp. 633-645.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Groshaus, M., Szwarcfiter, J.L. Biclique-Helly graphs. Graphs Comb. 2007;23(6):633-645.