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The chemistry of aqueous NO and H 2 S as redox regulators of cellular and physiological responses in cardiovascular, immune or neurological tissues has raised the question of the overlapping pathophysiological functions often involving similar molecular targets. The interactions of NO with H 2 S may functionally influence each other and focus has been directed to new N/S hybrid species eventually determining signaling capabilities. Besides the well-studied nitrosothiols, RSNOs, the eruption of H 2 S in the mechanistic scene has stimulated increased interest in thionitrous acid, HSNO, and thionitrite, NOS − , as well as in perthionitrite (nitrosopersulfide), S 2 NO − . We discuss the elusive chemistry of the latter molecules as intermediates in selected reactions in aqueous solution, either as free species or as bound to iron metal centers. The coordination chemistry involves mainly an updating on the “Gmelin” reaction proceeding upon mixing nitroprusside [Fe(CN) 5 (NO)] 2 − and H 2 S, with controversial and still unsolved mechanistic issues related to the onset of NO, HNO/N 2 O, polysulfides HS n − (n = 2–7), together with bound thionitrous acid/thionitrite/perthionitrite and other intermediates and products. © 2017 Elsevier Inc.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Thionitrous Acid/Thionitrite and Perthionitrite Intermediates in the “Crosstalk” of NO and H 2 S
Autor:Marcolongo, J.P.; Zeida, A.; Slep, L.D.; Olabe, J.A.
Filiación:Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales and INQUIMAE, Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Hydrodisulfides; Nitric oxide; Nitrous oxide; Nitroxyl; Perthionitrite; Polysulfides; Thionitrite; Thionitrous acid
Página de inicio:277
Página de fin:309
Título revista:Advances in Inorganic Chemistry
Título revista abreviado:Adv. Inorg. Chem.


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---------- APA ----------
Marcolongo, J.P., Zeida, A., Slep, L.D. & Olabe, J.A. (2017) . Thionitrous Acid/Thionitrite and Perthionitrite Intermediates in the “Crosstalk” of NO and H 2 S. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, 70, 277-309.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Marcolongo, J.P., Zeida, A., Slep, L.D., Olabe, J.A. "Thionitrous Acid/Thionitrite and Perthionitrite Intermediates in the “Crosstalk” of NO and H 2 S" . Advances in Inorganic Chemistry 70 (2017) : 277-309.
---------- MLA ----------
Marcolongo, J.P., Zeida, A., Slep, L.D., Olabe, J.A. "Thionitrous Acid/Thionitrite and Perthionitrite Intermediates in the “Crosstalk” of NO and H 2 S" . Advances in Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 70, 2017, pp. 277-309.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Marcolongo, J.P., Zeida, A., Slep, L.D., Olabe, J.A. Thionitrous Acid/Thionitrite and Perthionitrite Intermediates in the “Crosstalk” of NO and H 2 S. Adv. Inorg. Chem. 2017;70:277-309.