
Laurito, A.; Bonaventura, M.; Astigarraga, M.E.P.; Castro, R.; Chan V.; AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio "TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks" (2018) 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017:1049-1060
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Simulation is an important tool to validate the performance impact of control decisions in Software Defined Networks (SDN). Yet, the manual modeling of complex topologies that may change often during a design process can be a tedious error-prone task. We present TopoGen, a general purpose architecture and tool for systematic translation and generation of network topologies. TopoGen can be used to generate network simulation models automatically by querying information available at diverse sources, notably SDN controllers. The DEVS modeling and simulation framework facilitates a systematic translation of structured knowledge about a network topology into a formal modular and hierarchical coupling of preexisting or new models of network entities (physical or logical). TopoGen can be flexibly extended with new parsers and generators to grow its scope of applicability. This allows to design arbitrary workflows of topology transformations. We tested TopoGen in a network engineering project for the ATLAS detector at CERN. © 2017 IEEE.


Documento: Conferencia
Título:TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks
Autor:Laurito, A.; Bonaventura, M.; Astigarraga, M.E.P.; Castro, R.; Chan V.; AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio
Filiación:Departamento de Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (FCEyN), Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Pab. 1, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
Departamento de Computación, FCEyN, UBA and ICC, CONICET, Pab. 1, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
European Laboratory for Particle Physics, CERN, Geneva 23CH-1211, Switzerland
Departamento de Computación, FCEyN, UBA, ICC, CONICET, Pab. 1, Buenos Aires, C1428EGA, Argentina
Palabras clave:Application programs; Software defined networking; Topology; General purpose architectures; Hierarchical coupling; Models of networks; Network engineering; Network simulation model; Performance impact; Structured knowledge; Topology transformation; Network architecture
Página de inicio:1049
Página de fin:1060
Título revista:2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017
Título revista abreviado:Proc. Winter Simul. Conf.


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---------- APA ----------
Laurito, A., Bonaventura, M., Astigarraga, M.E.P., Castro, R., Chan V. & AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio (2018) . TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks. 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017, 1049-1060.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Laurito, A., Bonaventura, M., Astigarraga, M.E.P., Castro, R., Chan V., AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio "TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks" . 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017 (2018) : 1049-1060.
---------- MLA ----------
Laurito, A., Bonaventura, M., Astigarraga, M.E.P., Castro, R., Chan V., AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio "TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks" . 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, WSC 2017, 2018, pp. 1049-1060.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Laurito, A., Bonaventura, M., Astigarraga, M.E.P., Castro, R., Chan V., AnyLogic Company; et al.; IDEA FUSION; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering; Old Dominion University; Simio TopoGen: A network topology generation architecture with application to automating simulations of software defined networks. Proc. Winter Simul. Conf. 2018:1049-1060.