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Molecular genetic analysis was applied to 162 individuals of 37 half-sib selected families belonging to six provenances of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden in a provenance/family trial. The individuals were selected by a trait selection index and genetic diversity criteria were later applied for designing seedling seed orchards. Genetic diversity and its distribution, as well as relationships among individuals, were assessed on the basis of nine microsatellite loci and 243 amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. High diversity was found with both kinds of markers. Clear-cut genomic patterns of identification (fingerprinting) were obtained for each individual. Genetic differentiation estimates consistently showed low differentiation among provenances (R ST1 = 0.069, θP = 0.026 and FCT = 0.035) and great differentiation among families (RST2 = 0.223, θS = 0.174 and FSC = 0.164). A high proportion of the total variation was observed within families (around 80% by both marker analyses), suggesting that orchard design should be based on individual or family selection rather than on provenance selection, and that individual ranking by both trait selection index and molecular genetic diversity criteria should be considered. A selection procedure for a seedling seed orchard design is proposed. © 2005 Heron Publishing.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Selection strategy for a seedling seed orchard design based on trait selection index and genomic analysis by molecular markers: A case study for Eucalyptus dunnii
Autor:Zelener, N.; Marcucci Poltri, S.N.; Bartoloni, N.; López, C.R.; Hopp, H.E.
Filiación:Instituto de Recursos Biológicos, CIRN-CNIA-INTA, 1712 Castelar, Argentina
Cátedra de Métodos Cuantitativos Aplicados, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C1417DSE Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cátedra de Mejoramiento Forestal, Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, 4200 Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Instituto de Biotecnología, CICVyA-CNIA-INTA, 1712 Castelar, Argentina
Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular Y Celular, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1424 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:AFLP; AMOVA; DNA fingerprinting; Forest tree improvement; Genetic diversity; Genetic relationship; Microsatellites; Population genetic structure; Simple sequence repeats (SSRs); DNA fingerprinting; genetic variation; plant breeding; provenance trial; silviculture; Eucalyptus; Eucalyptus dunnii
Página de inicio:1457
Página de fin:1467
Título revista:Tree Physiology
Título revista abreviado:Tree Physiol.


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---------- APA ----------
Zelener, N., Marcucci Poltri, S.N., Bartoloni, N., López, C.R. & Hopp, H.E. (2005) . Selection strategy for a seedling seed orchard design based on trait selection index and genomic analysis by molecular markers: A case study for Eucalyptus dunnii. Tree Physiology, 25(11), 1457-1467.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Zelener, N., Marcucci Poltri, S.N., Bartoloni, N., López, C.R., Hopp, H.E. "Selection strategy for a seedling seed orchard design based on trait selection index and genomic analysis by molecular markers: A case study for Eucalyptus dunnii" . Tree Physiology 25, no. 11 (2005) : 1457-1467.
---------- MLA ----------
Zelener, N., Marcucci Poltri, S.N., Bartoloni, N., López, C.R., Hopp, H.E. "Selection strategy for a seedling seed orchard design based on trait selection index and genomic analysis by molecular markers: A case study for Eucalyptus dunnii" . Tree Physiology, vol. 25, no. 11, 2005, pp. 1457-1467.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Zelener, N., Marcucci Poltri, S.N., Bartoloni, N., López, C.R., Hopp, H.E. Selection strategy for a seedling seed orchard design based on trait selection index and genomic analysis by molecular markers: A case study for Eucalyptus dunnii. Tree Physiol. 2005;25(11):1457-1467.