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Several palaeoenvironmental studies related to environmental gradients from different types of deposits were made in Santa Cruz Province. Fossil records from caves and shelters (important deposits for the past environmental reconstructions in extra-Andean zones) are the result of environmental, climatic and cultural interactions. They must be taken into account to make past vegetation reconstruction and inferred environmental conditions. In this study were analyzed two pollen fossil sequences from the archaeological sites Bloque 1-Oquedad and Cueva del Paisano Desconocido from lake San Martin area (49° S; 72° W). The aim was to integrate this information to a palaeoenvironmental context generated from pollen and charcoal analysis from Mallín La Tercera and prior information about human occupations in the area. From Bloque 1-Oquedad, was possible reconstruct local vegetation variations. On the other hand, the analysis of Cueva del Paisano Desconocido sequence, gave similar information to the mallín La Tercera sequence. Although there are not significant changes in vegetation communities by hunter-gatherers for the study area, the main signs of human impact are recorded during the last century (from Mallín La Tercera) and this is coincident with European settlement.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Palaeoenvironmental inferences from archaeological site pollen analysis at lake san martín area (Santa Cruz, Argentina)
Autor:Bamonte, F.P.; Mancini, M.V.; Belardi, J.B.; Espinosa, S.
Filiación:Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, IIMyC-CONICET, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, Unidad Académica Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina
Palabras clave:Human occupation; Lake san martin; Palaeoenvironmental inferences; Pollen analysis from fossil sequences
Página de inicio:155
Página de fin:169
Título revista:Magallania
Título revista abreviado:Magallania


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---------- APA ----------
Bamonte, F.P., Mancini, M.V., Belardi, J.B. & Espinosa, S. (2013) . Palaeoenvironmental inferences from archaeological site pollen analysis at lake san martín area (Santa Cruz, Argentina) . Magallania, 41(1), 155-169.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Bamonte, F.P., Mancini, M.V., Belardi, J.B., Espinosa, S. "Palaeoenvironmental inferences from archaeological site pollen analysis at lake san martín area (Santa Cruz, Argentina) " . Magallania 41, no. 1 (2013) : 155-169.
---------- MLA ----------
Bamonte, F.P., Mancini, M.V., Belardi, J.B., Espinosa, S. "Palaeoenvironmental inferences from archaeological site pollen analysis at lake san martín area (Santa Cruz, Argentina) " . Magallania, vol. 41, no. 1, 2013, pp. 155-169.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Bamonte, F.P., Mancini, M.V., Belardi, J.B., Espinosa, S. Palaeoenvironmental inferences from archaeological site pollen analysis at lake san martín area (Santa Cruz, Argentina) . Magallania. 2013;41(1):155-169.