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The pollination of 6 species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) belonging to 3 subgenera was studied: P. caerulea, P. mooreana (subg. Passiflora), P. urnaefolia, P. misera (subg. Decaloba), P. foetida, and P.chrysophylla (subg. Dysosmia). The main pollinators of P. mooreana, P. caerulea and P. urnaefolia were large Apoidea: six species of Xylocopa (Anthophoridae), also, Bombus tucumanus (Apidae) for the better. The medium sized Apoidea Centris spp. (Anthophoridae) and Apis mellifera (Apidae), the hawkmoth Erinnyis ello (Sphingidae), Chlorostilbon aureoventris (Trochilidae) and other hummingbirds were occasional pollinators. The main pollinators of P. misera, P. foetida and P. chrysophylla were the medium sized Apoidea Ptiloglossa spp. (Colletidae) and Thygater analis (Apidae), while Xylocopa augusti pollinated occasionally. Species in the first group are principally served by large pollinators and those in the second group by medium sized ones. This is in accordance with the different size and firmness of the flowers of each group. The first group also showed more richness for pollinator species. Considering their floral features and pollinators, each species of the subg. Decaloba was grouped with one of the other two subgenera, so, at least in these aspects, subg. Decaloba seems to be more heterogeneous than Passiflora and Dysosmia.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Pollination of passiflora: Do different pollinators serve species belonging to different subgenera?
Autor:García, M.T.A.; Hoc, P.S.
Filiación:Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C1428EHA Ciudad Universitaria, Lab. 11, Depto. Cs. Biológicas, Pab. II, Argentina
Palabras clave:Decaloba; Dysosmia; Non-Apis bees; Passiflora; Pollinator diversity; Anthophoridae; Apidae; Apis; Apis mellifera; Apoidea; Centris; Chlorostilbon aureoventris; Colletidae; Decaloba; Erinnyis ello; Passiflora; Passiflora caerulea; Passiflora foetida; Passiflora misera; Passiflora mooreana; Passifloraceae; Sphingidae; Trochilidae
Página de inicio:71
Página de fin:74
Título revista:Acta Horticulturae
Título revista abreviado:Acta Hortic.


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---------- APA ----------
García, M.T.A. & Hoc, P.S. (2001) . Pollination of passiflora: Do different pollinators serve species belonging to different subgenera?. Acta Horticulturae, 561, 71-74.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
García, M.T.A., Hoc, P.S. "Pollination of passiflora: Do different pollinators serve species belonging to different subgenera?" . Acta Horticulturae 561 (2001) : 71-74.
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---------- MLA ----------
García, M.T.A., Hoc, P.S. "Pollination of passiflora: Do different pollinators serve species belonging to different subgenera?" . Acta Horticulturae, vol. 561, 2001, pp. 71-74.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
García, M.T.A., Hoc, P.S. Pollination of passiflora: Do different pollinators serve species belonging to different subgenera?. Acta Hortic. 2001;561:71-74.
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