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The internal structure of spacetime inside a black hole is investigated on the assumption that some limiting curvature exists. It is shown that the Schwarzschild metric inside the black hole can be attached to the de Sitter one at some spacelike junction surface which may represent a short transition layer. The method of massive thin shells by Israel is used to obtain the characteristics of this layer. It is shown that instead of the singularity the closed world can be formed inside the black hole. It is argued that this property of our model may also be valid in a more general case provided the gravitation theory is asymptotically free and the limiting curvature exists. After passing the deflation stage the closed world in the black-hole interior may begin to inflate and give rise to a new macroscopic universe. The described model may be considered as an example of the creation of a closed or semiclosed world "in the laboratory." The possible fate of the evaporating black hole is also briefly discussed. © 1990 The American Physical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Black holes as possible sources of closed and semiclosed worlds
Autor:Frolov, V.P.; Markov, M.A.; Mukhanov, V.F.
Filiación:Instituto de Astronomia Y Fisica del Espacio, Buenos Aires, Argentina
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Moscow
Institute for Nuclear Research, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Moscow
Institute for Nuclear Research, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Moscow
Página de inicio:383
Página de fin:394
Título revista:Physical Review D


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---------- APA ----------
Frolov, V.P., Markov, M.A. & Mukhanov, V.F. (1990) . Black holes as possible sources of closed and semiclosed worlds. Physical Review D, 41(2), 383-394.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Frolov, V.P., Markov, M.A., Mukhanov, V.F. "Black holes as possible sources of closed and semiclosed worlds" . Physical Review D 41, no. 2 (1990) : 383-394.
---------- MLA ----------
Frolov, V.P., Markov, M.A., Mukhanov, V.F. "Black holes as possible sources of closed and semiclosed worlds" . Physical Review D, vol. 41, no. 2, 1990, pp. 383-394.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Frolov, V.P., Markov, M.A., Mukhanov, V.F. Black holes as possible sources of closed and semiclosed worlds. 1990;41(2):383-394.