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We study the 4 theory and the interacting O(N) model in a curved background using the Gaussian approximation for the former and the large-N approximation for the latter. We obtain the renormalized version of the semiclassical Einstein equations having in mind a future application of these models to investigate the physics of the very early Universe. We show that, while the Gaussian approximation has two different phases, in the large-N limit only one is present. The different features of the two phases are analyzed at the level of the effective field equations. We discuss the initial-value problem and find the initial conditions that make the theory renormalizable. As an example, we study the de Sitter self-consistent solutions of the semiclassical Einstein equations. Finally, for an identically zero mean value of the field we find the evolution equations for the classical field 2 1/2 and the spacetime metric. They are very similar to the ones obtained by replacing the classical potential by the one-loop effective potential in the classical equations but do not have the drawbacks of the one-loop approximation. © 1989 The American Physical Society.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Gaussian and 1/N approximations in semiclassical cosmology
Autor:Mazzitelli, F.D.; Paz, J.P.
Filiación:Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica Del Espacio, Casilla de Correo 67, Sucursal 28, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:2234
Página de fin:2244
Título revista:Physical Review D


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---------- APA ----------
Mazzitelli, F.D. & Paz, J.P. (1989) . Gaussian and 1/N approximations in semiclassical cosmology. Physical Review D, 39(8), 2234-2244.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Mazzitelli, F.D., Paz, J.P. "Gaussian and 1/N approximations in semiclassical cosmology" . Physical Review D 39, no. 8 (1989) : 2234-2244.
---------- MLA ----------
Mazzitelli, F.D., Paz, J.P. "Gaussian and 1/N approximations in semiclassical cosmology" . Physical Review D, vol. 39, no. 8, 1989, pp. 2234-2244.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Mazzitelli, F.D., Paz, J.P. Gaussian and 1/N approximations in semiclassical cosmology. 1989;39(8):2234-2244.