
Chernomoretz, A.; Gulminelli, F.; Ison, M.J.; Dorso, C.O. "Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion" (2004) Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 69(3):034610-1-034610-6
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Global equilibrium fragmentation inside a freeze-out constraining volume is a working hypothesis widely used in nuclear fragmentation statistical models. In the framework of classical Lennard-Jones molecular dynamics, we study how the relaxation of the fixed volume constraint affects the posterior evolution of microscopic correlations, and how a nonconfined fragmentation scenario is established. A study of the dynamical evolution of the relative kinetic energy fluctuations was also performed. We found that asymptotic measurements of such an observable can be related to the number of decaying channels available to the system at fragmentation time.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion
Autor:Chernomoretz, A.; Gulminelli, F.; Ison, M.J.; Dorso, C.O.
Filiación:Departamento de Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
LPC Caen, F-14050 Caen Cédex, France
Página de inicio:034610
Página de fin:1-034610-6
Título revista:Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Título revista abreviado:Phys. Rev. C Nucl. Phys.


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---------- APA ----------
Chernomoretz, A., Gulminelli, F., Ison, M.J. & Dorso, C.O. (2004) . Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion. Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, 69(3), 034610-1-034610-6.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Chernomoretz, A., Gulminelli, F., Ison, M.J., Dorso, C.O. "Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion" . Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 69, no. 3 (2004) : 034610-1-034610-6.
---------- MLA ----------
Chernomoretz, A., Gulminelli, F., Ison, M.J., Dorso, C.O. "Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion" . Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, vol. 69, no. 3, 2004, pp. 034610-1-034610-6.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Chernomoretz, A., Gulminelli, F., Ison, M.J., Dorso, C.O. Enhancement of kinetic energy fluctuations due to expansion. Phys. Rev. C Nucl. Phys. 2004;69(3):034610-1-034610-6.