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Uniparentally inherited polymorphic genetic markers opened a new scope in the human forensic identification. These genetic markers may display geographic and/or ethnic specific characteristic features that may provide a clue about the origin of the donor of a given sample. Maternally inherited mitochondrial (mtDNA) polymorphisms and paternatilly transmitted Y-chromosome specific polymorphic sequences when investigated in combination may provide relevant information concerning the ethnic/geographical origin of a person. Some populations are particularly more suited for these investigations due to their differential attributes. South American aboriginal are a good example. In this contribution, we provide information about an isolated aboriginal community that depicts ethnic specific attributes. The combined use of matri and patri lineage markers allowed to estimate the admixture at the individual level. © 2003


Documento: Artículo
Título:Uniparentally inherited genetic markers as tools for ethnic and geographical origin detection of forensic samples
Autor:Sala, A.; Marino, M.; Arguelles, C.; Fenocchio, A.; Corach, D.
Filiación:Servicio de Huellas Digitales Genéticas (SHDG), Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquı́mica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Junin 956-7 Piso, Buenos Aires 1113, Argentina
Laboratorio de Citogenética Humana, Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Misiones, Argentina
Palabras clave:Ethnic group–DNA polymorphism; mtDNA; Y-chromosome polymorphisms
Página de inicio:625
Página de fin:627
Título revista:International Congress Series
Título revista abreviado:Int. Congr. Ser.


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---------- APA ----------
Sala, A., Marino, M., Arguelles, C., Fenocchio, A. & Corach, D. (2004) . Uniparentally inherited genetic markers as tools for ethnic and geographical origin detection of forensic samples. International Congress Series, 1261(C), 625-627.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Sala, A., Marino, M., Arguelles, C., Fenocchio, A., Corach, D. "Uniparentally inherited genetic markers as tools for ethnic and geographical origin detection of forensic samples" . International Congress Series 1261, no. C (2004) : 625-627.
---------- MLA ----------
Sala, A., Marino, M., Arguelles, C., Fenocchio, A., Corach, D. "Uniparentally inherited genetic markers as tools for ethnic and geographical origin detection of forensic samples" . International Congress Series, vol. 1261, no. C, 2004, pp. 625-627.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Sala, A., Marino, M., Arguelles, C., Fenocchio, A., Corach, D. Uniparentally inherited genetic markers as tools for ethnic and geographical origin detection of forensic samples. Int. Congr. Ser. 2004;1261(C):625-627.