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Twelve taxa of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance were analysed and found to share the same basic chromosome number x = 8. The karyotypes are composed by small metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. Different ploidy levels were found among the taxa: there were 9 diploids, 1 tetraploid, 1 hexaploid and 1 octoploid. The last ploidy level corresponds to O. tuberosa, the only tuber bearing taxon found so far in the alliance. Cytotaxonomic evidence and evolutionary considerations suggest to classify the O. tuberosa alliance in sect. Herrerea. © 1990 Springer-Verlag.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Chromosome number of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance (Oxalidaceae)
Autor:de Azkue, D.; Martínez, A.
Filiación:Centro de Estudios Farmacológicos y de Principios Naturales (CEFAPRIN) Serrano 665, Buenos Aires, 1414, Argentina
Palabras clave:Angiosperms; Chromosome numbers; cytotaxonomy; karyotype analyses; Oxalidaceae; Oxalis tuberosa alliance
Página de inicio:25
Página de fin:29
Título revista:Plant Systematics and Evolution
Título revista abreviado:Pl Syst Evol


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---------- APA ----------
de Azkue, D. & Martínez, A. (1990) . Chromosome number of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance (Oxalidaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 169(1-2), 25-29.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
de Azkue, D., Martínez, A. "Chromosome number of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance (Oxalidaceae)" . Plant Systematics and Evolution 169, no. 1-2 (1990) : 25-29.
---------- MLA ----------
de Azkue, D., Martínez, A. "Chromosome number of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance (Oxalidaceae)" . Plant Systematics and Evolution, vol. 169, no. 1-2, 1990, pp. 25-29.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
de Azkue, D., Martínez, A. Chromosome number of the Oxalis tuberosa alliance (Oxalidaceae). Pl Syst Evol. 1990;169(1-2):25-29.