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Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) forests of the 'Parque Costero del Sur' Biosphere Reserve, Argentina, occupy old calcareous shore-banks subparallel to the Rio de la Plata river. Previous studies showed that the density of C. tala adults in coastal banks is lower than in inner banks. A greenhouse trial was used to study the relationship between possible edaphic constraints and seedling establishment, with the purpose of relating results to adults' pattern. 'Soil's provenance' and 'simulation of animals' digging activity' were used as experimental factors. Emergence, establishment and survivorship of seedlings were evaluated within a factorial design. Contrary to expectations, regeneration processes were not disfavoured but even enhanced by the edaphic conditions characterizing coastal banks. Alternative hypotheses about causes of C. tala adults' pattern are suggested.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) seedling establishment on contrasting soils and microdisturbances: A greenhouse trial concerning adults' field distribution pattern
Autor:Ribichich, A.M.
Filiación:Depto. de Cs. Biológicas, Fac. de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, (1428) Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:adults' pattern; calcicoly; Celtis tala; greenhouse trial; soil features; Woody seedlings; Animalia; Celtis; Celtis tala; Celtis tala; Ulmaceae; Celtis tala; Ulmaceae; distribution pattern; greenhouse trial; microdisturbance; seedling establishment; soil; Argentina, Parque Costero del Sur Biosphere Reserve
Página de inicio:321
Página de fin:327
Título revista:Flora
Título revista abreviado:FLORA


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---------- APA ----------
(1996) . Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) seedling establishment on contrasting soils and microdisturbances: A greenhouse trial concerning adults' field distribution pattern. Flora, 191(4), 321-327.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ribichich, A.M. "Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) seedling establishment on contrasting soils and microdisturbances: A greenhouse trial concerning adults' field distribution pattern" . Flora 191, no. 4 (1996) : 321-327.
---------- MLA ----------
Ribichich, A.M. "Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) seedling establishment on contrasting soils and microdisturbances: A greenhouse trial concerning adults' field distribution pattern" . Flora, vol. 191, no. 4, 1996, pp. 321-327.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ribichich, A.M. Celtis tala Planchon (Ulmaceae s. l.) seedling establishment on contrasting soils and microdisturbances: A greenhouse trial concerning adults' field distribution pattern. FLORA. 1996;191(4):321-327.