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A study of the dependence of the RF absorption on the magnetic field was made using standard EPR techniques in antiferromagnetic samples of FeBO3 with easy plane anisotropy. Measurements were made in the temperature range between 4.2 and 300 °K. In the low temperature range (T < 200 °K) a very rich fine structure with sharp resonance lines(DH < 1 Oe) was observed far away from the AFMR. The mean amplitude of these resonances is independent of the width of the sample. The fine structure can be explained by supposing that the magnetic properties of the sample near the boundary are hardly nonuniform and different from those of the bulk and these differences may be connected with microstresses on the surface of the sample. In this work it is shown experimentally that this fine structure is connected with magnetic excitation of the surface of the magnetic sample.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Experimental study of the high frequency absorption in a range of fields far away from the AFMR ¿ evidence of surface magnetism?
Autor:Jaschevatzky, C.R.
Filiación:Laboratorio de RPE, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:179
Página de fin:183
Título revista:Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina


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---------- APA ----------
(1996) . Experimental study of the high frequency absorption in a range of fields far away from the AFMR ¿ evidence of surface magnetism?. Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina, 84(2), 179-183.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Jaschevatzky, C.R. "Experimental study of the high frequency absorption in a range of fields far away from the AFMR ¿ evidence of surface magnetism?" . Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina 84, no. 2 (1996) : 179-183.
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---------- MLA ----------
Jaschevatzky, C.R. "Experimental study of the high frequency absorption in a range of fields far away from the AFMR ¿ evidence of surface magnetism?" . Anales des la Asociacion Quimica Argentina, vol. 84, no. 2, 1996, pp. 179-183.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Jaschevatzky, C.R. Experimental study of the high frequency absorption in a range of fields far away from the AFMR ¿ evidence of surface magnetism?. 1996;84(2):179-183.
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