
Rabinowicz, A.L.; Salvat, J.M.; Leiguarda, R.C.; Demonty, F.; Salvat, F.; Cervio, A.; Manes, F.; Lazarowski, A. "Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?" (1997) Clinical Neuropharmacology. 20(5):438-441
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We assessed in 15 consecutive patients the best route and time of administration for phenytoin (PHT) prophylaxis in neurosurgical procedures. We also correlated PHT levels in serum and cerebrospinal fluid after oral and parenteral loading doses. The mean PHT level was 13.9 μg/ml in serum and 2.03 μg/ml in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), with a significant correlation between levels in both compartments (r = 0.73, p <0.01). Mean PHT levels among the different groups were not statistically significant. We conclude that therapeutic levels of PHT in CSF can be achieved independently of the route of administration, as long as accepted loading doses are used.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?
Autor:Rabinowicz, A.L.; Salvat, J.M.; Leiguarda, R.C.; Demonty, F.; Salvat, F.; Cervio, A.; Manes, F.; Lazarowski, A.
Filiación:Departments of Neurology, Inst. de Invest. Neurologicas R., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Inst. de Invest. Neurologicas R., Montaneses 2325, 1428 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Antiepileptic drugs; Neurosurgery; Phenytoin; Prophylaxis; anticonvulsive agent; phenytoin; adult; aged; article; brain arteriovenous malformation; brain artery aneurysm; brain tumor; clinical article; clinical trial; controlled clinical trial; controlled study; dose response; drug blood level; drug cerebrospinal fluid level; epilepsy; female; head injury; human; intravenous drug administration; male; middle cerebral artery; neurosurgery; oral drug administration; priority journal; randomized controlled trial
Página de inicio:438
Página de fin:441
Título revista:Clinical Neuropharmacology
Título revista abreviado:CLIN. NEUROPHARMACOL.
CAS:phenytoin, 57-41-0, 630-93-3


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---------- APA ----------
Rabinowicz, A.L., Salvat, J.M., Leiguarda, R.C., Demonty, F., Salvat, F., Cervio, A., Manes, F.,..., Lazarowski, A. (1997) . Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 20(5), 438-441.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Rabinowicz, A.L., Salvat, J.M., Leiguarda, R.C., Demonty, F., Salvat, F., Cervio, A., et al. "Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?" . Clinical Neuropharmacology 20, no. 5 (1997) : 438-441.
---------- MLA ----------
Rabinowicz, A.L., Salvat, J.M., Leiguarda, R.C., Demonty, F., Salvat, F., Cervio, A., et al. "Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?" . Clinical Neuropharmacology, vol. 20, no. 5, 1997, pp. 438-441.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Rabinowicz, A.L., Salvat, J.M., Leiguarda, R.C., Demonty, F., Salvat, F., Cervio, A., et al. Use of antiepileptic drugs in nontraumatic neurosurgical procedures: Is there any best route and time of administration?. CLIN. NEUROPHARMACOL. 1997;20(5):438-441.