
Rossi, J.D. "Tug-of-war games and PDEs" (2011) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 141(2):319-369
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We review some recent results concerning tug-of-war games and their relation to some well-known partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular, we will show that solutions to certain PDEs can be obtained as limits of values of tug-of-war games when the parameter that controls the length of the possible movements goes to zero. Since the equations being studied are nonlinear and are not in divergence form, we will make extensive use of the concept of viscosity solutions. © 2011 Royal Society of Edinburgh.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Tug-of-war games and PDEs
Autor:Rossi, J.D.
Filiación:Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, (1428), Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:319
Página de fin:369
Título revista:Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
Título revista abreviado:Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A Math.


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---------- APA ----------
(2011) . Tug-of-war games and PDEs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 141(2), 319-369.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Rossi, J.D. "Tug-of-war games and PDEs" . Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 141, no. 2 (2011) : 319-369.
---------- MLA ----------
Rossi, J.D. "Tug-of-war games and PDEs" . Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, vol. 141, no. 2, 2011, pp. 319-369.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Rossi, J.D. Tug-of-war games and PDEs. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A Math. 2011;141(2):319-369.