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Regional considerations on the tectonic regime during the emplacement of the Early Devonian magmatic units in the Sierra de San Luis are inferred from combined field, petrographic and AMS observations. Devonian granitoids of the Sierra de San Luis, in central Argentina, constitute elliptical composite batholiths and make up the most voluminous magmatism that appears in the Sierra. Detailed fabric studies have been carried out on the La Totora batholith (33°09′ S, 65° 42′ W), which complement previous studies on two of the largest plutons in the Sierra de San Luis: The Renca and Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholiths. The studies comprised systematic field surveys, petrographic observations and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements. Microstructural studies indicate that the batholith rocks are mainly characterized by magmatic microstructures with limited sub-magmatic to high-temperature solid-state deformation. All three batholiths possess concentric foliation patterns. The average magnetic foliation patterns in the studied plutons agree well with the macroscopic fabrics measured in the field indicating that the AMS-data can be used to study the orientation of fabric elements. Bulk susceptibility indicates a predominance of ferromagnetic contributions, although some paramagnetic sub-units are also present. Most foliations and lineations reflect magmatic flow and their attitude is linked to the interference between regional deformation and batholith inflation, i.e. fabrics may be due to regional strain in combination with the internal dynamics of the magma bodies. Rock fabrics are mainly described by oblate magnetic fabric ellipsoids. Magnetic lineations generally show a NNE-SSW trend that is interpreted to be controlled by the opening transtensional pull-apart structures during batholith inflation. It turns out that the Devonian batholiths intruded the basement syn-kinematically with respect to the Achalian deformational cycle. © The Geological Society of London 2004.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of devonian granitoids in central Argentina
Autor:López de Luchi, M.G.; Rapalini, A.E.; Siegesmund, S.; Steenken, A.
Filiación:Inst. Geocronologia/Geol. Isotopica, Pabellón INGEIS, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Inst. Geofisica Daniel Valencio, Depto. de Ciencias Geológicas, Facultad Ciencias Exact./Naturales, Pabellón 2, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Geosci. Ctr. of Univ. of Gottingen, Dept. of Struct. Geol./Geodynamics, University of Góttingen, Goldschmidtstrasse 3, 37077 Góttingen, Germany
Palabras clave:Devonian; emplacement; granitoid; magnetic fabric; tectonic evolution; Argentina; San Luis; Sierra de San Luis; South America; Western Hemisphere; World; Entovalva; Typha domingensis
Página de inicio:447
Página de fin:474
Título revista:Geological Society Special Publication
Título revista abreviado:Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ.


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---------- APA ----------
López de Luchi, M.G., Rapalini, A.E., Siegesmund, S. & Steenken, A. (2004) . Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of devonian granitoids in central Argentina. Geological Society Special Publication, 238, 447-474.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
López de Luchi, M.G., Rapalini, A.E., Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A. "Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of devonian granitoids in central Argentina" . Geological Society Special Publication 238 (2004) : 447-474.
---------- MLA ----------
López de Luchi, M.G., Rapalini, A.E., Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A. "Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of devonian granitoids in central Argentina" . Geological Society Special Publication, vol. 238, 2004, pp. 447-474.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
López de Luchi, M.G., Rapalini, A.E., Siegesmund, S., Steenken, A. Application of magnetic fabrics to the emplacement and tectonic history of devonian granitoids in central Argentina. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. 2004;238:447-474.