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In this paper we adopt a generic, global and non-entropic approach to the problem of the arrow of time, according to which the arrow of time is a generic, intrinsic and geometrical property of spacetime. We demonstrate that the arrow of time so defined is generic in the sense that any spacetime with physically reasonable properties (e.g. time-orientability and global time) will be endowed with an arrow of time. The only exceptions are very special cases belonging to a subset of zero measure of the set of all possible spacetimes. We also show the dual role played by the energy-momentum tensor in the context of our approach. On one hand, the energy-momentum tensor is the intermediate step that permits us to turn the geometrical time-asymmetry of the universe into a local arrow of time manifested as a time-asymmetric energy flow. On the other hand, the energy-momentum tensor supplies the basis for deducing the time-asymmetry of quantum field theory, posed as an axiom in this theory.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The generic nature of the global and non-entropic arrow of time and the dual role of the energy-momentum tensor
Autor:Castagnino, M.; Lombardi, O.
Filiación:CONICET, Inst. de Astron./Fis. del Espacio, Casilla de Correos 67, Sucursal 28, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Ctra. Colmenar Km 15, 28049 Madrid, Spain
Página de inicio:4445
Página de fin:4463
Título revista:Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
Título revista abreviado:J. Phys. Math. Gen.


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---------- APA ----------
Castagnino, M. & Lombardi, O. (2004) . The generic nature of the global and non-entropic arrow of time and the dual role of the energy-momentum tensor. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37(15), 4445-4463.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Castagnino, M., Lombardi, O. "The generic nature of the global and non-entropic arrow of time and the dual role of the energy-momentum tensor" . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37, no. 15 (2004) : 4445-4463.
---------- MLA ----------
Castagnino, M., Lombardi, O. "The generic nature of the global and non-entropic arrow of time and the dual role of the energy-momentum tensor" . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol. 37, no. 15, 2004, pp. 4445-4463.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Castagnino, M., Lombardi, O. The generic nature of the global and non-entropic arrow of time and the dual role of the energy-momentum tensor. J. Phys. Math. Gen. 2004;37(15):4445-4463.