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The occurrence of a two-step mechanism for the synthesis of a protein bound glucan in potato tuber was confirmed based on a different behaviour of the engaged enzymes towards 1,5-D-gluconolactone. The absence of [14C]erythritol after Smith periodate degradation of the labelled product synthesized during both steps in the presence of 1,5-D-gluconolactone indicated a lack of 1,4 glucosidic linkages. On the contrary, the first step of the reaction, i.e., the formation of a peptidyl-glucose linkage, was not affected by the lactone. These results reinforce the hypothesis of a common mechanism for glucan chain elongation. © 1979.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Effect of 1,5-gluconolactone on the formation of a glucoprotein in potato tuber
Autor:Tandecarz, J.S.; Cardini, C.E.
Filiación:Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquimicas Fundación Campomar, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Obligado 2490, 1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:151
Página de fin:158
Título revista:Plant Science Letters


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---------- APA ----------
Tandecarz, J.S. & Cardini, C.E. (1979) . Effect of 1,5-gluconolactone on the formation of a glucoprotein in potato tuber. Plant Science Letters, 15(2), 151-158.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Tandecarz, J.S., Cardini, C.E. "Effect of 1,5-gluconolactone on the formation of a glucoprotein in potato tuber" . Plant Science Letters 15, no. 2 (1979) : 151-158.
---------- MLA ----------
Tandecarz, J.S., Cardini, C.E. "Effect of 1,5-gluconolactone on the formation of a glucoprotein in potato tuber" . Plant Science Letters, vol. 15, no. 2, 1979, pp. 151-158.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Tandecarz, J.S., Cardini, C.E. Effect of 1,5-gluconolactone on the formation of a glucoprotein in potato tuber. 1979;15(2):151-158.