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Location equivalence has been presented in [5] as a bisimulation-based equivalence able to take into account the spatial distribution of processes. In this work, the parametric approach of [12] is applied to location equivalence. An observation domain for localities is identified and the associated equivalence is shown to coincide with the equivalence introducted in [6,16]. The observation of a computation is a forest (defined up to isomorphism) whose nodes are the events (labeled by observable actions) and where the arcs describe the sublocation relation. We show in the paper that our approach is really parametric. By performing minor changes in the definitions, many equivalences are captured: partial and mixed ordering causal semantics, interleaving, and a variation of location equivalence where the generation ordering is not evidenced. It seems difficult to modify the definitions of [6,16] to obtain the last observation. The equivalence induced by this observation corresponds to the very intuitive assumption that different locations cannot share a common clock, and hence the ordering between events occurring in different places cannot be determined. Thanks to the general results proved in [12] for the parametric approach, all the observation equivalences described in this paper come equipped with sound and complete axiomatizations. © 1995.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Location equivalence in a parametric setting
Autor:Montanari, U.; Yankelevich, D.
Filiación:Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita di Pisa, Corso Italia 40, 56100 Pisa, Italy
Departamento de Computación, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:299
Página de fin:332
Título revista:Theoretical Computer Science
Título revista abreviado:Theor Comput Sci


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---------- APA ----------
Montanari, U. & Yankelevich, D. (1995) . Location equivalence in a parametric setting. Theoretical Computer Science, 149(2), 299-332.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Montanari, U., Yankelevich, D. "Location equivalence in a parametric setting" . Theoretical Computer Science 149, no. 2 (1995) : 299-332.
---------- MLA ----------
Montanari, U., Yankelevich, D. "Location equivalence in a parametric setting" . Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 149, no. 2, 1995, pp. 299-332.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Montanari, U., Yankelevich, D. Location equivalence in a parametric setting. Theor Comput Sci. 1995;149(2):299-332.