In this paper we present an approach for oblivious composition of Web user interfaces, particularly for volatile functionality. Our approach, which is inspired on well-known techniques for advanced separation of concerns such as aspect-oriented software design, allows to clearly separate the design of the core's interface from the one corresponding to more volatile services, i.e. those that are offered for short periods of time. Both interfaces are oblivious from each other and can be seamlessly composed using a transformation language. We show that in this way we simplify the application's evolution by preventing intrusive edition of the interface code. Using some illustrative examples we focus both on design and implementation issues, presenting an extension of the OOHDM design model which supports modular design of volatile functionality. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
Documento: |
Título: | Transparent interface composition in web applications |
Autor: | Ginzburg, J.; Rossi, G.; Urbieta, M.; Distante, D. |
Ciudad: | Como |
Filiación: | Departamento de Computación, FCEyN, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina LIFIA, Facultad de Informática, UNLP, La Plata, Argentina RCOST - Research Centre on Software Technology, Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Italy
Palabras clave: | Computer applications; Formal languages; Software design; User interfaces; Aspect-oriented software design; Interface codes; Transformation language; Web user interfaces; Web services |
Año: | 2007
Volumen: | 4607 LNCS
Página de inicio: | 152
Página de fin: | 166
Título revista: | 7th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2007
Título revista abreviado: | Lect. Notes Comput. Sci.
ISSN: | 03029743
Registro: | https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_03029743_v4607LNCS_n_p152_Ginzburg |
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---------- APA ----------
Ginzburg, J., Rossi, G., Urbieta, M. & Distante, D.
. Transparent interface composition in web applications. 7th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2007, 4607 LNCS, 152-166.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_03029743_v4607LNCS_n_p152_Ginzburg [ ]
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Ginzburg, J., Rossi, G., Urbieta, M., Distante, D.
"Transparent interface composition in web applications"
. 7th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2007 4607 LNCS
(2007) : 152-166.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_03029743_v4607LNCS_n_p152_Ginzburg [ ]
---------- MLA ----------
Ginzburg, J., Rossi, G., Urbieta, M., Distante, D.
"Transparent interface composition in web applications"
. 7th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2007, vol. 4607 LNCS, 2007, pp. 152-166.
Recuperado de https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_03029743_v4607LNCS_n_p152_Ginzburg [ ]
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Ginzburg, J., Rossi, G., Urbieta, M., Distante, D. Transparent interface composition in web applications. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 2007;4607 LNCS:152-166.
Available from: https://bibliotecadigital.exactas.uba.ar/collection/paper/document/paper_03029743_v4607LNCS_n_p152_Ginzburg [ ]