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The monitoring of river phytoplankton and several hydrological, physical and chemical variables, in combination with bioassays using Selenastrum capricornutum Printz, allowed the characterisation of three distinct reaches of the Lower River Luján. The upstream stretch, characterised by the lowest depth and discharge, registered the highest nutrient, dissolved heavy metal and chlorophyll a concentrations in accordance with low phytoplankton diversity and the occurrence of several species typical of organically polluted lowland rivers. A downstream improvement, concomitant to increasing river discharge, is revealed by a progressive decrease of organic pollution parameters even though algal toxicity is registered through bioassays. The water input from the Paraná River through the G. Arias Channel plays an important role in the regulation of the limnology of the Lower Luján River. As a result of marked increasing discharge, depth and width, there is a decrease in nutrient concentration and phytoplankton density and an increase in dissolved oxygen concentration. Likewise, algal growth rates in the bioassays showed less toxic effect. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:The assessment of water quality in the Lower Luján River (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Phytoplankton and algal bioassays
Autor:O'Farrell, I.; Lombardo, R.J.; De Tezanos Pinto, P.; Loez, C.
Filiación:Dpto. Biología, Facultad de Cie. Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, C1428EHA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Algal bioassays; Lowland river; Phytoplankton; South America; Water quality; Bioassay; Chlorophyll; Hydrology; River pollution; Toxic materials; Phytoplanktons; Water quality; chlorophyll; heavy metal; alga; bioassay; phytoplankton; pollution monitoring; river pollution; water quality; Argentina; article; bioassay; nutrient; phytoplankton; river; water pollution; water quality; Algae; Argentina; Biological Assay; Environmental Monitoring; Fresh Water; Phytoplankton; Water Movements; Water Pollution; Argentina; algae; Selenastrum; Selenastrum capricornutum
Página de inicio:207
Página de fin:218
Título revista:Environmental Pollution
Título revista abreviado:Environ. Pollut.
CAS:chlorophyll, 1406-65-1, 15611-43-5


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---------- APA ----------
O'Farrell, I., Lombardo, R.J., De Tezanos Pinto, P. & Loez, C. (2002) . The assessment of water quality in the Lower Luján River (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Phytoplankton and algal bioassays. Environmental Pollution, 120(2), 207-218.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
O'Farrell, I., Lombardo, R.J., De Tezanos Pinto, P., Loez, C. "The assessment of water quality in the Lower Luján River (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Phytoplankton and algal bioassays" . Environmental Pollution 120, no. 2 (2002) : 207-218.
---------- MLA ----------
O'Farrell, I., Lombardo, R.J., De Tezanos Pinto, P., Loez, C. "The assessment of water quality in the Lower Luján River (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Phytoplankton and algal bioassays" . Environmental Pollution, vol. 120, no. 2, 2002, pp. 207-218.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
O'Farrell, I., Lombardo, R.J., De Tezanos Pinto, P., Loez, C. The assessment of water quality in the Lower Luján River (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Phytoplankton and algal bioassays. Environ. Pollut. 2002;120(2):207-218.