
Lombardi, O.; Ardenghi, J.S.; Fortin, S.; Narvaja, M. "Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation" (2011) International Journal of Modern Physics D. 20(5):861-875
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In this paper, we review Castagnino's contributions to the foundations of quantum mechanics. First, we recall his work on quantum decoherence in closed systems, and the proposal of a general framework for decoherence from which the phenomenon acquires a conceptually clear meaning. Then, we introduce his contribution to the hard field of the interpretation of quantum mechanics: the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation solves many of the interpretive problems of the theory, and manifests its physical relevance in its application to many traditional models of the practice of physics. In the third part of this work we describe the ontological picture of the quantum world that emerges from the modal-Hamiltonian interpretation, stressing the philosophical step toward a deep understanding of the reference of the theory. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation
Autor:Lombardi, O.; Ardenghi, J.S.; Fortin, S.; Narvaja, M.
Filiación:CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET, Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica Del Espacio, Argentina
CONICET, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Decoherence; modal-Hamiltonian interpretation; quantum ontology
Página de inicio:861
Página de fin:875
Título revista:International Journal of Modern Physics D
Título revista abreviado:Int. J. Mod. Phys. D


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---------- APA ----------
Lombardi, O., Ardenghi, J.S., Fortin, S. & Narvaja, M. (2011) . Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation. International Journal of Modern Physics D, 20(5), 861-875.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Lombardi, O., Ardenghi, J.S., Fortin, S., Narvaja, M. "Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation" . International Journal of Modern Physics D 20, no. 5 (2011) : 861-875.
---------- MLA ----------
Lombardi, O., Ardenghi, J.S., Fortin, S., Narvaja, M. "Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation" . International Journal of Modern Physics D, vol. 20, no. 5, 2011, pp. 861-875.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Lombardi, O., Ardenghi, J.S., Fortin, S., Narvaja, M. Foundations of quantum mechanics: Decoherence and interpretation. Int. J. Mod. Phys. D. 2011;20(5):861-875.