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The basin area of the Durazno Stream covers approx. 360 km 2 of a plain with a gentle slope, mainly devoted to cattle farming and agriculture. This study examines the variability of chemical composition of surface water of the stream in relation to stream discharge, estimated from a hydrological deterministic model from rainfall data. Fifteen samplings were carried out, four in high flow condition and the rest in baseline flow. In each sampling, the main physico-chemical variables were determined. Since discharge data from this stream were not available, it was estimated in situ through an instantaneous unitary hydro-graph model. Both estimations of stream discharge were similar. The main forms of dissolved inorganic nitrogen were ammonium and nitrate. The four significant components of PCA that explained 84.4 % of total variance were: mineral component, particulate matter content, ammonium and dissolved phosphorus levels, and nitrates' level. The decreased concentrations of major ions and conductivity during high flow condition suggest solutes' dilution by the massive inflow of water originated by rainfalls. The highest concentrations and loads of suspended solids (SS) (86 mg/1 and 22638 kg/day) and particulate organic carbon (POC) (3.1 mg/l and 832 kg/day) were observed in the sample obtained during the rising limb of the hydrograph following a drought period, suggesting that basin erosive processes are more important during the first hours of the storm. Three of the samplings that were carried out in high flow conditions showed low mineral and nutrient content that revealed better water quality. In contrast, the sampling with the greatest total runoff (14.1 mm) showed high concentrations of ammonium (1205 μg/1) and dissolved phosphorus (561 μg/1), suggesting that a long stagnant period on soils with low permeability, could favor reduction processes of nitrate to ammonium and mobilization of dissolved phosphorus to overlying water. The nutrients' loads increased in high flow conditions most likely due to runoff from the riverbank soils. The rise of nutrients, SS, POC and total organic carbon (TOC), loads in the same or in higher proportion than the stream discharge, alerts on the risk of contamination of surface water in an agricultural basin. © Asociación Española de Limnología, Madrid. Spain.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Autor:Arreghini, S.; de Cabo, L.; Seoane, R.; Tomazin, N.; Serafíni, R.; de Iorio, A.F.
Filiación:Cátedra de Química Analítica, Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. San Martín 4453, 1417 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Av. Angel Gallardo 470, 1405 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Instituto Nacional del Agua, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departamento de Hidraúlica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Av. Las Heras 2214, 1127 Buenos Aires, Argentina
CONICET, Argentina
Palabras clave:Hydrological models; Lowland river; Nutrients; Runoff; Stream discharge; chemical composition; discharge; nutrient; rainfall; stream; surface water; Argentina; Buenos Aires [Argentina]; South America; Bos taurus
Página de inicio:225
Página de fin:236
Título revista:Limnetica
Título revista abreviado:Limnetica


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---------- APA ----------
Arreghini, S., de Cabo, L., Seoane, R., Tomazin, N., Serafíni, R. & de Iorio, A.F. (2005) . Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Limnetica, 24(3-4), 225-236.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Arreghini, S., de Cabo, L., Seoane, R., Tomazin, N., Serafíni, R., de Iorio, A.F. "Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina)" . Limnetica 24, no. 3-4 (2005) : 225-236.
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---------- MLA ----------
Arreghini, S., de Cabo, L., Seoane, R., Tomazin, N., Serafíni, R., de Iorio, A.F. "Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina)" . Limnetica, vol. 24, no. 3-4, 2005, pp. 225-236.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Arreghini, S., de Cabo, L., Seoane, R., Tomazin, N., Serafíni, R., de Iorio, A.F. Influence of rainfall on the discharge, nutrient concentrations and loads of a stream of the "Pampa Ondulada" (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Limnetica. 2005;24(3-4):225-236.
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