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A new species of nerineoid gastropod, Eunerinea mendozana, is described from the top of the Agrio Formation, Lower Cretaceous, at Lomas Bayas, Mendoza Province, west-central Argentina. The significance of this record lies in that it extends the Early Cretaceous distribution of the genus to the Southern Hemisphere and also may point to the occurrence of subtropical conditions in the northern part of the Neuquén Basin close to the Hauterivian/Barremian boundary. Individuals of E. mendozana are found forming large monospecific assemblages immersed in carbonate sediments. The relationships of E. mendozana with other South American Early Cretaceous nerineoids are considered, together with a re-evaluation of some of those records. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


Documento: Artículo
Título:A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications
Autor:Cataldo, C.S.
Filiación:Instituto de Estudios Andinos Don Pablo Groeber (UBA-CONICET), Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires Pabellón II, Ciudad Universitaria, C1428EGA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Argentina; Early Cretaceous; Eunerinea; Nerineoidea; Neuquén Basin; Cretaceous; gastropod; new genus; new record; new species; paleobiogeography; paleoecology; Southern Hemisphere; Argentina; Neuquen Basin; Gastropoda; Nerineoidea
Página de inicio:51
Página de fin:60
Título revista:Cretaceous Research
Título revista abreviado:Cretaceous Res.


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---------- APA ----------
(2013) . A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications. Cretaceous Research, 40, 51-60.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Cataldo, C.S. "A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications" . Cretaceous Research 40 (2013) : 51-60.
---------- MLA ----------
Cataldo, C.S. "A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications" . Cretaceous Research, vol. 40, 2013, pp. 51-60.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Cataldo, C.S. A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications. Cretaceous Res. 2013;40:51-60.