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The influence of thermal and hydrothermal treatments and reduction processes on the activity of CuO-ZnO catalysts was studied. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) was used in the study of catalyst activation with different reduction mixtures. A mixture of H2 and N2 in the range of 500 to 573 K was the most effective reducing agent. High temperature, water vapor and a high partial pressure of hydrogen enhance Cu sintering and Cu-Zn alloy formation with a decrease in catalytic activity. XRD analysis of reactivated catalysts showed that their deactivation can be related to the formation of surface spinel species. Reoxidation at 623 K and subsequent reduction of the aged catalyst led to metal redispersion but not catalyst regeneration. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Effects of reduction and regeneration conditions on the activity of cuo-zno catalysts
Autor:Quincoces, C.E.; Amadeo, N.E.; González, M.G.
Filiación:UNLP-CONICET) - 47 N 257, (1900) La Plata, Argentina
PINMATE, Dpto de Industrias, Fac.Cs Exactas y Naturales, U.N. Bs. Aires, Argentina
Página de inicio:535
Página de fin:541
Título revista:Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Título revista abreviado:Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal.


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---------- APA ----------
Quincoces, C.E., Amadeo, N.E. & González, M.G. (1997) . Effects of reduction and regeneration conditions on the activity of cuo-zno catalysts. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 111, 535-541.
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---------- CHICAGO ----------
Quincoces, C.E., Amadeo, N.E., González, M.G. "Effects of reduction and regeneration conditions on the activity of cuo-zno catalysts" . Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 111 (1997) : 535-541.
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---------- MLA ----------
Quincoces, C.E., Amadeo, N.E., González, M.G. "Effects of reduction and regeneration conditions on the activity of cuo-zno catalysts" . Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, vol. 111, 1997, pp. 535-541.
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---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Quincoces, C.E., Amadeo, N.E., González, M.G. Effects of reduction and regeneration conditions on the activity of cuo-zno catalysts. Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 1997;111:535-541.
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