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Solenoid valves are a core component of most solution perfusion systems used in neuroscience research. As they open and close, they control the flow of solution through each perfusion line, thereby modulating the timing and sequence of chemical stimulation. The valves feature a ferromagnetic plunger that moves due to the magnetization of the solenoid and returns to its initial position with the aid of a spring. The delays between the time of voltage application or removal and the actual opening or closing of the valve are difficult to predict beforehand and have to be measured experimentally. Here we propose a simple method for monitoring whether and when the solenoid valve opens and closes. The proposed method detects the movement of the plunger as it generates a measurable signal on the solenoid that surrounds it. Using this plunger signal, we detected the opening and closing of diaphragm and pinch solenoid valves with a systematic error of less than 2 ms. After this systematic error is subtracted, the trial-to-trial error was below 0.2 ms. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Increasing the reliability of solution exchanges by monitoring solenoid valve actuation
Autor:Auzmendi, J.A.; Moffatt, L.
Filiación:Instituto de Química Física de los Materiales, Medio Ambiente y Energía, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Concentration jump; Patch clamp; Perfusion; Receptor kinetics; Solenoid valve; ferromagnetic material; analytical equipment; article; atmospheric pressure; electric potential; observation; priority journal; process development; process monitoring; sensor; signal detection; solenoid; systematic error; Equipment Design; Microfluidics; Pulsatile Flow; Reproducibility of Results; Solutions
Página de inicio:280
Página de fin:283
Título revista:Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Título revista abreviado:J. Neurosci. Methods


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---------- APA ----------
Auzmendi, J.A. & Moffatt, L. (2010) . Increasing the reliability of solution exchanges by monitoring solenoid valve actuation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 185(2), 280-283.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Auzmendi, J.A., Moffatt, L. "Increasing the reliability of solution exchanges by monitoring solenoid valve actuation" . Journal of Neuroscience Methods 185, no. 2 (2010) : 280-283.
---------- MLA ----------
Auzmendi, J.A., Moffatt, L. "Increasing the reliability of solution exchanges by monitoring solenoid valve actuation" . Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 185, no. 2, 2010, pp. 280-283.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Auzmendi, J.A., Moffatt, L. Increasing the reliability of solution exchanges by monitoring solenoid valve actuation. J. Neurosci. Methods. 2010;185(2):280-283.