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The present investigation aims at identifying the needs of the Argentinean agro-business sector for climate research and information. Our approach is focused on any type of climate information from past observations to seasonal prediction and climate change projections. We tried, in particular, to evaluate the possible existence of specific research themes that would be of major interest for these agriculture end-users. We interviewed representatives of seventeen companies from three major agrobusiness sectors: (1) regional/national entities such as agricultural associations, cooperatives and commercial trade boards; (2) insurance companies in the Argentinean agro-insurance market; and (3) large national and international companies representing cereal producers, agro-chemistry and agro-seeds. While all the interviewees recognized the strong influence of climate on their activities, they all pointed out that, at the time of making decision, they considered the political and economic risks rather than the climate one. In many aspects, climate is often considered as a fatality against which it is difficult to be protected. An interesting result is the confidence of the private sectors in the climate information provided by public sources (INTA, SMN, Universities) although they contract private consultants for frequent reports and tendencies. Finally, we explain how such sectors could make a better use of climate information (seasonal prediction, climate change scenarios) that could be integrated in their business projections. In particular, the development of new financial contracts (climate derivatives) open in countries with a relatively poor insurance history new ways to protect the different agricultural sectors, from the producer to large companies. © Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009.


Documento: Artículo
Título:Assessment of climate information needs in the Argentinean agro-business sector
Autor:Boulanger, J.-P.; Penalba, O.
Filiación:LOCEAN, UMR CNRS/IRD/UPMC, Tour 45-55/Etage 4/Case 100, UPMC, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Palabras clave:Agricultural sector; Business sector; Climate change projections; Climate change scenarios; Climate information; Climate research; Economic risks; End-users; Insurance companies; Insurance markets; International company; Making decision; Private sectors; Seasonal prediction; Developing countries; Insurance; Climate change; agroindustry; climate change; commercialization; decision making; industrial development; private sector; Argentina
Página de inicio:551
Página de fin:563
Título revista:Climatic Change
Título revista abreviado:Clim. Change


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---------- APA ----------
Boulanger, J.-P. & Penalba, O. (2010) . Assessment of climate information needs in the Argentinean agro-business sector. Climatic Change, 98(3), 551-563.
---------- CHICAGO ----------
Boulanger, J.-P., Penalba, O. "Assessment of climate information needs in the Argentinean agro-business sector" . Climatic Change 98, no. 3 (2010) : 551-563.
---------- MLA ----------
Boulanger, J.-P., Penalba, O. "Assessment of climate information needs in the Argentinean agro-business sector" . Climatic Change, vol. 98, no. 3, 2010, pp. 551-563.
---------- VANCOUVER ----------
Boulanger, J.-P., Penalba, O. Assessment of climate information needs in the Argentinean agro-business sector. Clim. Change. 2010;98(3):551-563.